Scene is forced into lit mode when played even without lights, destroying intended visuals

I’ve disabled all of the post-processing settings, mobile HDR, etc, but even without lights, and with all materials set to unlit using the Emissive Color, when I press play the game forces it back to lit mode even when I don’t have any lights in the scene which completely ruins all of the color.

This is my scene in editor unlit -

This is the result when I press play -

Is there any way to properly disable all of these lighting/post-process features, I don’t want any of that in my project and it’s currently ruining the intended appearance for my game so I’d greatly appreciate help with this.

Hey SwiftIllusion -

You can add a console command in the level blueprint after event play with the command viewmode unlit and the game will play in unlit mode. Other than this method, there is no way to play without lighting.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Never thought it’d be in something like that, thank you ever so much, worked perfectly :D.

Does this work in shipping build?

No, I’m going to make a c++ example of how to force it to unlit.