Scene capture doesn't show the correct light channels

I have an actor which has some components a spot light, static mesh and a scenecapture2d. I’m using these components to show the willing item on button push, which takes the actor and sets its location on z=10000. I have the static mesh and the spot light on the same lighting channel but the spot light doesnt lit the static mesh and it gets only lit by the direction light of the scene. I’m trying to get rid of the directional light from the scene capture but i cant. Any help would be grateful.

So Static Mesh and Spot Light On the Same Channel and the object gets lit by light channel 0:

By Changing though the lighting channel of spot light to channel 0 without changing static mesh channel, and the lighting channel of the directional light to 1 I get the result i want:

Did you figure it out? I have the same issue