Scene Capture Cube rendering error.

This shows the error:

The spinning ? is sideways some how…

Hey Shoiko,

Can you provide me with steps so I can reproduce this on my end in a blank Third Person Template project?

You mention a Scene Capture Cube, however from your video example it looks like a SceneCapture2D actor using a render target applied to the surface of the cube itself.


The step are from this video here:

The only thing different is that:

I have placed the Cube Capture in a blueprint with a hallow static mesh that has one face textured with the render target material.

And instead of auto capturing every frame i am capturing every 0.7 seconds using a timer though I dont think this is needed for the reproduction.
'if you need i can upload the test project i tried this in.

'if you need i can upload the test project i tried this in.

I think this would be best as your set up is unique compared to the regular process of using a simple Capture Actor and rendering a faked reflection.


sorry i forgot to upload

Hi Shoiko,

Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-36007)

You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.
