Same instances of AI not ignoring each other

Hey Guys! I’m playing around with the AI example given in the unreal docs. Its all working pretty good. But when I place another instance of the same AI character into my level, they are moving towards each other rather than ignoring.

As in the service AgroCheck, both the traces are assigned with objects to ignore. Then how is it not ignoring another AI.

Please Help. Thanks.

Can you post what example you’re talking about?

@greynz This one

I solved it myself by creating a Cast Node for other AI characters, after the sphere trace and called the line trace when the cast failed. This solved my problem.

This is my solution. If anyone knows something better then please feel free to tell.

Super old post but might as well add to it. You can use the “Get All Actors Of Class” node and drag it onto your “Actors to Ignore” section of your Multi Sphere Trace.