's stuff

Oooo nice! Could we get a peek at your substance graphs by ?

You’re Roman of UE4 mate :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed youre playing a lot with DFAO/GI as opposed to fully baked GI. Do you consider that to be similar to say V-Ray RT? What attracts you to movable lights in your workflow?

Excellent work.

That’s amazing! Continue with “unreal” job man, we did love to see some tutorials on , maybe some steps when you’re creating!

Nice Work! Cheers!

Liking the snowy pictures!

How is your lighting so clean and realistic? Do you do you own lightmap UV’s or let UE4 generate them? What are you lightmass settings to get result? I am learning about lighting in UE4 and not getting anything close to :frowning:

Kooola that beach is ridiculously and I’m sure your about tired of the praise by now, and as much as i’d like to ask every question imaginable like the other guys… i get it took years of experience to implement you workflow and its absolutely understandable that you don’t wanna give away exactly what makes your work sooo unique, then you’d be left no where and’s projects will look near the same…your sitting on a obvious goldmine of techniques for the engine while i thought the kite demo was amazing the sheer photographic quality in the beach scene and I’d keep the best for myself as well… i mean just showing your work for free for to drool over, if the secrets were just out it would be no fun gaining the experience… but if i could ask one question its…why ???

at Epic right now

I feel like needs to post some real mediocre work here soon, the level is too high (inb4 over 9k).

Great job . Don’t really know what else to say aside from stop making the rest of us look bad!

Just kidding, your recent work has been phenomenal!

I think most people on earth that saw video think like that!!

PS can get job in Epic ---- and maybe then he can create good tutorials for mere mortals?

made it to Gamespot :slight_smile:


, pleeeeeeease make some marketplace assets, PLEASE.

Did you use Tessellation for ?

I feel so useless right now! ^^

Just Epic :smiley:

Wow !!! Oo
Thank you all !!!

It really took ridiculous proportions :slight_smile:

Here’s a small “breakdown” image that show how I made the grounds in the last scenes.


For the rendering part, well, I don’t really know what to say.

The setup is really basic :

  • atmospheric fog : default parameters (with colors change according to the mood)
  • exponential height fog : default parameters
  • movable directional light : default parameters with different value for intensity and temperature according to the mood
  • movable skylight : I just change the sky distance threshold to 1 and uncheck the low hemisphere is black (so I get some fake “bounce light” from the ground)
  • postprocess volume : I use the new tonemapper (r.TonemapperFilm 1) and make some color correction with the new “color grading” section of the post process volume (no lut time)
  • camera : I use the new “circleDOF” :slight_smile:

And that’s all, no lightmap, no dfao/gi, no lpv. With a very simple scene you don’t really need , but more complexe your scene is more you need kind of stuff (especially good sky occlusion for exterior).

Seriously, work is really astonishing !!

how did u get that lighting, i have a similar scene working on and the lighting at the door really bright (like high exposure), any tip for me :smiley:

Thanks for all your updates and tips, . thread is like the best part of my day every day.

Take a look at his other work, or his example from the Marketplace. Often times he uses soft bounce lighting, similar to what a photographer would use in a studio.

oh i just download his example on market, and he use a white plane to get indirect light, i tried and it work lot better !