RPG Sample Game

Just wanted to let you know that the update for 4.8 is now online!

If you’re having problems, just download the 4.8 version and everything should be okay.

[=van Rhyn;320650]
I may have touched something on one of those. I’m using the current 4.8.1, actually I haven’t run the pack on 4.7 yet. But I had done the fix and it was working well, then I must have done something to either of those blueprints.

It’s always hard to figure those things out without knowing what you have changed exactly. I would suggest using the new updated version from the Marketplace.

Did you change anything other than the fixes you mentioned?

Just wanted to let you know that the update for 4.8 is now online!

If you’re having problems, just download the 4.8 version and everything should be okay.

Actually for many that would not be that easy. Many projects would do better off to stick to a certain version due to avoid corruption etc.

I would rather have that you put up a list of fixes and changes for 4.7 versions if possible.

If not possible I will just not use the 4.7 version as I am already deep into development with that one. Beside that I had to do a tons of work all over after changing engine version from 4.6 to 4.7. It was annoying to see how UV maps and lights went nuts, maps would not open, had to remove all buildings and re import them and re-position them. I am not going through that level design hell again.

Oh and I did all that for the RPG kit and other Blueprint plugins that I wanted to use…

[=Dwarf King;321956]

I would rather have that you put up a list of fixes and changes for 4.7 versions if possible.


I already did that a while back :wink:

Have a look here:

Я устал ждать… Когда ты выложишь документацию и исправишь ошибки. Я заплатил тебе 124 доллара за твою работу. Ты меня будешь еще 1 год кормить обещаниями или дашь мне продукт по обещанной цене? Я могу сделать этот продукт самостоятельно - но не хочу тратить свое время. Потрудись и закончи начатое…

Я устал ждать… Когда ты выложишь документацию и исправишь ошибки. Я заплатил тебе 124 доллара за твою работу. Ты меня будешь еще 1 год кормить обещаниями или дашь мне продукт по обещанной цене? Я могу сделать этот продукт самостоятельно - но не хочу тратить свое время. Потрудись и закончи начатое…

Yeah, I am sorry, but I don’t understand that…

Yeah, I am sorry, but I don’t understand that…

Google Translate:

I’m tired of waiting … When you lay out the documentation and correct the error. I paid you $ 124 for your work. You’re still my 1 year promises to feed or give me the promised price for the product? I can do this on their own product - but do not want to waste your time. To work hard and finish the job

I think he is asking about documentation after paying you for the product. You may need to contact him via email or something.

When will the documentation be released? Still waiting…

Anyone know how to setup the menu for a controller?

still waiting for the documentation… Can I have a refund?

hello? order66?

Anyone know how to setup the menu for a controller?

Have a look at the Level blueprint. Inside that you will find some instructions on how to enable the menu controller.

As for the documentation: I am still working on it. Hope to release it soon.

For clarification: Documentation will be a high level overview for the system. It will help you to understand the system as a whole. It won’t go into any minor specific stuff like how to setup a different player model/animations. Stuff like that is already covered in the Unreal Engine documentation and the tutorials: Unreal Engine - YouTube

I do encourage anyone to watch the Blueprint series, especially stuff like the Introduction to blueprints: null - YouTube and the 3rd person game tutorial: null - YouTube

Things like that won’t be covered in the documentation.

If you wish to have any specifics included in the documentation, just let me know.

Good news for everyone who is waiting for the documentation. It is almost finished.

It will be submitted as an update to the RPG Starter Kit to Epic by tomorrow. Upon donwloading the update you will then find a PDF file inside the folders.

If you have anything specific that you want included in the documentation just let me know.

On Sale today: https://www.unrealengine.com/content/ac82395cf09c4bf0bd1474a24425656d

If you want to pick up the RPG Starter Kit for a better price, today is your chance :wink:

Was it on sale for just yesterday? I see 124.99. Guessing I missed it?

Still waiting on this update with the documentation. I cannot figure out these stats for the good of me at this point. I have no idea where the current statname and statvalue are pulling from in the UI when you play a level with this system running. Any advice?

Was it on sale for just yesterday? I see 124.99. Guessing I missed it?

Yes, it was only 24 hours.

Still waiting on this update with the documentation. I cannot figure out these stats for the good of me at this point. I have no idea where the current statname and statvalue are pulling from in the UI when you play a level with this system running. Any advice?

The stat system is component based. If you have a look at the blueprint BP_StatsComponent - it is a component that you can add to any pawn you want (not just the player). It’s setup in a very modular fashion, so that you can re-use sub-systems without too much hazzle. However, the stat component is added to the player blueprint. Inside the player blueprint you will find an example of how to setup the stats and how to alter them and/or setup new stats.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Since I got asked via PM a question regarding the stats system, here some explanation:

To see how the stats are setup open the RPGCharacter blueprint, in the top-left window you should find a list of all components. The RPGCharacter has a “StatsComponent” attached. Select this StatComponent. Have a look at the Details panel (right-side) now. Under the Default category you will find an entry named “Stats List”. You can click on the arrow to open up the list (since it’s an array). Each entry is marked with a number, which you can open up again. Open up the first entry. You should now see the attributes of that specific stat. If you opened up the first entry you should see the attributes “StatsName” and “StatValue” with the values “Level” and “1”.

If you want to change a stat or something like that do the following: Open up the EventGraph and drag the “StatsComponent” from the Component window into the EventGraph. You should now see a the “StatsComponent” appear in the EventGraph window. Drag the blue pin to the side and you’ll see a list of functions that you can call on the StatsComponent. In the searchfield you can now type “stat” to see some functions specific to the StatsComponents like “Increase Stat” or “Get All Stats”.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post in here or write me a PM.

when i use the inventory menu INGAME i got this errors when i exit, this is in Ureal editor v4.8.3

when hit play in mainmenu And when i select a player in character select level the inventory menu shows up but cannot select anything see picture AND i dont spawn in a level
with the character i selected only inventory menu shows up.