Hello! I am looking for a way to rotate an object toward the velocity direction. Essentially, I have an object that I am throwing in VR and I want to point the top (Up Vector) of the object in the direction it is traveling in when thrown. I cannot seem to figure this one out. Assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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The simplest way would probably be to add a projectile movement component to the object. That has a built in function for making the object rotate towards its movement direction.
Alternatively, you can do something like this:
Add on some rotation interp to smooth it out, but that itself will give you the rotation you want, assuming the actor’s “forward” is along positive X in local space.
Since you want the up vector to be the part pointing forward, you can modify the output of FindLookAtRotation by adding/subtracting 90 to/from pitch or yaw, depending on the desired flight orientation.