Hello, I am working on a large map (3x3 km), in which I would like to place different roads. Currently, my approach includes the following steps:
- Load the road paths from a json file;
- Create a spline component for each road;
- For each spline component uses 3 different meshes:
3.1. A spline mesh component of the road surface, that has one material instance, and it has to be deformed accordingly to the spline points;
3.2. A spline mesh component of the guard rails, that has one material instance, and it has to be deformed accordingly to the spline points as well;
3.3. A instanced static mesh component of light poles;
I understand that the deformed meshes cannot be “instancieted” because each mesh can be different from the following one along the spline. But the high number of unicque static meshes drops the FPS, and I am looking for a solution to avoid this behaviour.
I am aware that I can create a static mesh from each spline (using the merging tool from the UE Editor) but the resulting meshes will be very heavy and cannot be culled since it is a single static mesh. Hence, my solution for now is to divide each spline in subsections, of fixed lenght, and create a static mesh from each individual section. But I think that there is a bettr solution for my problem, that I was unable to find.
Can someone point me to the right way?
If so I can share some performance information if needed.
PS. I am a PhD student in Computer Science, my project is mostrly built upon C++, and I am self-taught, so anytime, for any feature that i would like to include in my project, I felt like a beginner. Hence, I am sorry if my questions will seem simple and inaccurate.
Thanks in advance.