Resizing HDRI Backdrop can ruin the reflections

Hello everyone!

I have a question about HDRI Backdrop. After creating it, I made this Orbuculum just to test the reflections. I’ve noticed that reflections depend on the size of the HDRI Backdrop. Sometimes, they tend to get weird or they don’t exist at all. Image 1 is fine, but notice the black line in the second image, or the black void in the third image. Why does HDRI size affect reflections in such a way? What am I missing?


Take a look in the code of that backdrop. I can’t remember exactly ( not at a machine rn ), but I think -maybe- the mesh cast shadows…

Hi! Thanks for answering. “Cast Shadow” is turned off by default…

The only thing that comes to my mind is that the issue could be about the range of luminance, but I haven’t dug out that setting. Notice in picture 3 that the ball is not reflecting the distant building, but it does reflect the nearby grass…


Not sure, sorry :frowning:

Looks like every HDRI backdrop size should be at least 1300, and I’m gonna close this subject with that.