Reset RealityCapture

You don’t have to open RealityCapture to reset the user interface configuration or fully uninstall it to make it like a clean install. You can do it easily by following these steps:

  1. Press and hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard
  2. Run RealityCapture
  3. Trigger the RealityCapture Reset window
  4. Choose what you want to reset in the dropdown menu
  5. Click the Reset button


The available options are:

  • Reset the application settings
  • Reset the user interface and layout
  • Reset both config & UI
  • Make it like a clean install

When choosing to make it like a clean install, you will be asked to sign in and activate your license again.

We recommend you use the reset workflow when something in the application is not working, for example:

  • something in the application has stopped working
  • when you have changed some settings and want to revert all of them to the default values
  • when you are not sure whether something should behave differently in the software

The same workflow is achievable with the CLI command reset. The command syntax is:

-reset resetOption

The resetOption corresponds to one of the dropdown menu options. It is possible to choose between ui, cfg, cfgui and all. For example, if you want to make it like a clean install, you would use this:

-reset all