[Request] Terrain Occlusion Baking

What I mean by that is ambient occlusion baked based on terrain height. It wouldn’t be baked into textures but into probes (similiar to how Global Illumination baked).

The idea behind it, is that, it doesn’t have to be in any way realistic. Main goal is to have ability to bake lighting variation into probes, so we can adjust brightness variation based on height (darker closer to ground and birghter as it gets higher).

It would take several paremters like:

  1. Maxium Height.
  2. Baking only based on ambient light, all light sources or specified.

. And later it could be adjusted by parameter Terrain Occlusion Intensity…

Hi Lukasz,

Thank you for your feedback. I have created a report and entered it into our database. If there is anything else that you would like to see in the editor, please let us know.

Thank you,
