[Request]:Sorting priorities for material parameters

I really like the flexibility of the material editor, but it has a few downsides.
One of them is that I want to create a few master materials that other 3d artists and level designers can reuse via material instances. To make those instances as user friendly as possible, I would like to have the Parameters and Groups organized in some coherent way inside each material and also between materials.

Currently Parameters and Groups are sorted alphabetically. Only way to sort them is by calling them with some numerical prefix (e.g. 01_Diffuse Properties).

So the feature request would be something like being able to assign some kind of priority tag to groups and parameters which would then make them to be sorted by that priority tag. If user would assign same priority to different parameters or groups, those with the same priority would be sorted alphabetically.

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Hey Tomas,

I put this request in for our team to look at. Thank you.

Best Regards,


I would just like to add my voice to this one - this is very much a feature I am missing.

I would also really appreciate this being added - it seems odd that I can sort inputs / outputs in material functions but can’t sort the material instance parameters the artists are going to be editing.

Really need this kind of function. If we can drop and drag to sorting the parameters and groups would be a better way.

Please improve this feature. so we can do group sorting easily. right not it’s a tedious process

Hi! I made plugin with drag’n’drop feature for material/material functions/layers parameters only.
FAB: https://www.fab.com/listings/211d658c-92bf-44ea-ad6c-46bc114f4876