When you meshpaint a massive object and use the “Fill” tool, it will try and create a large number of meshes and will freeze up or crash. If it gave a warning that you are going to add a ton of objects and allow you to cancel the operation that could save time if you were to accidentally click the wrong thing.
Hi Alex,
I was attempting to reproduce this for the report, but I am having some difficulty. By “massive object” do you mean extremely high poly or very far scaled up? Do you have a callstack for the crash? Also, what are your computer hardware specs? These will all help greatly in getting this issue resolved.
Thank you,
Let me try and re-create the issue.
The mesh I was using was fairly high poly (to paint onto things), but I could paint many instances, and no issues. It’s the fill tool that causes issues.
If you use the fill tool, turn your paint density up, and then paint say, your skybox, the program will lock up. I understand it’s trying to make a lot of objects
It’s not so much a problem that it locks up, but rather if there were a warning before you end up filling a mesh like that, and pretty much making the editor unusable would be nice. It’s like how when you are about to subdivide a mesh a lot in maya, and it says “hey this is possibly going freeze and or crash the program, do you want to continue?”
I have x2 Sandy Bridge 2650 8 core processors
64 gigs of ram
and the worst part (seriously) sli Quadro 4000’s.
Same thing on the other computer I tested it on:
3930k @ 4.2 Ghz
24 gigs ram
780 GTX
Thank you for that. I set up a scene for testing, but I am not seeing a “paint density” property. What exactly are you doing to turn that up? Thank you.
I’m sorry, I ment to specify I was using the foliage painting tool.
My apologies.
Alright, I am seeing the lag now. I need to test this further. You said there was a crash? Can you give me the callstack for it?
I have never let it hang long enough to get a real crash but it hangs for a good 20 minutes before I exit. It would just be nice if it warned you before you slow it all down, and make the program unresponsive.
Alright, I have update the report with this information. Thank you very much.
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your request. It makes sense to warn people that some systems may not be able to handle such a large request. I have created a report and entered in into our database. If there is anything else that you would like to see featured. Please let us know.