Reporting Issues for Documentation


Thanks for noticing this within our documentation, I have submitted a report to our Documentation Team to resolve this issue with the coding. If you’d like to check on this report in the future, please refer to: UEDOC-1793

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Hello it seems docs ae missing description for AGameSession::.
But methods do seem to be there e.g: AGameSession::RegisterServer | Unreal Engine Documentation

Not a big deal we can always look at Source, but :slight_smile:

Looking in the source, it appears that no description comment exists, which would explain why it’s blank . A brief description is being added to the code today, and the online documentation will reflect this change following the next publishing pass. Thanks for calling attention to it!

Creating New Projects

“To save your project outside of the default save location, you can click on the arrow icon to toggle display of the full path and file creation preview.”

The above text and image are inaccurate if you compare them to the image above that which is accurate. This image needs to be updated to reflect the new layout of the “Create Project” tab.


Unreal Engine 4.8.1

Rotate a vector rotated by this rotator.
This sentence is ambiguous, does it mean “Create a vector rotated by this rotator.” or “Rotate a vector by this rotator.
What I mean is, does it change the vector it gets or does it return a new vector? Either way, I think the sentence should be clarified.

The page and the table of contents do not match. The page is in the correct order but the table of contents is not.

“Render to Texture Toolset Setup” should be moved to the top of the table of contents for this section.

This has been reported as [UEDOC-1960] and should be corrected and published in the few weeks. Thanks for calling this to our attention.

Hi … It should read, “Rotate a vector by this rotator.” I have reported this and the code should be corrected in the near future. Thanks for pointing this out as it is somewhat confusing as it stands.

Hey master_regal, I’ve officially reported this as [UEDOC-1961] and the sidebar navigation should be fixed soon to match the page’s table of contents. Thanks again for helping improve the documentation.

The table of contents for this section is out of order.

I’d like to see the table of contents for this section updated as follows

  1. Static Lights
  2. Stationary Lights
  3. Movable Lights


“With the release of UE 4.8 you can now modify your projects to use Textures up to 8192 in size without having to modify the C++ code by adding the following text to your projects DefaultEngine.INI”

In 4.8 changing texturelod groups in DefaultEngine.ini gives nothing, because whole API was changed and in the 4.8 texture lod settings are located in Engine\Config\BaseDeviceProfiles.ini now, so the info about DefaultEngine.ini is wrong.

The whole syntax of texture lod definitions also changed:



Hi ,

Thanks for pointing these discrepancies on the Texture Support and Settings page. I’ve entered a report (UE-DOC-2087) to have these entries reviewed and corrected as soon as possible.

Lightmass Settings > World Settings

“You can access World Settings by clicking the WorldSettings_Icon.png icon from the main Toolbar.”

In version 4.8.2 the world settings icon is missing from main toolbar. The documentation needs to be updated to reflect this change.

You can access World Settings by Clicking on the Window menu and then selecting World settings.


Something is broken in the right hand table of contents for this page.


Is there simply a closing bracket missing ? In any case, the Table of Contents isn’t showing up under the image.


I found a problem on this page. There appears to be information missing.

The property table on this page appears to be dependant on the Post Process volume. Use of the post process volume isn’t mentioned on this page.

I scratched my head for a while trying to find out where these settings were.

The properties on the table in this page do not correlate to the properties available on world settings, even though that’s where I enable ambient occlusion and set lightmass settings for baking.

It could be helpful to:

The properties for post process ambient occlusion have changed.

“Distance” now has two values instead of one.

“Post Process > Ambient Occlusion” now has

“Fad Out Distance” and
“Fade Out Radius”

The table needs to be updated to reflect this. Please add a a description for each.

Hi , you can also access “World Settings” under “Settings” in the main toolbar, so I’ve just replaced the “World Settings” icon with the “Settings” icon in the main toolbar. This change will be posted in the next week or two. Thanks for pointing this out.

You are correct, sir! -missing bracket. I’ve made the correction which will be published soon. Thanks again for helping improve the documentation.

I have put in an official request to have this updated as soon as possible: [UEDOC-2110]. This may take a bit longer to address depending on the determined priority, but it will ultimately be addressed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

I’ve reported this as [UEDOC-2111] and this should be updated in the near future depending on the determined priority and work load of the Documentation Team. Thanks again for helping make the documentation as useful and complete as possible!