First off, thank you for taking the time to help us improve UE4 Documentation!
We request that issues found within documentation please be submitted within this thread (this may change at a later date). If you have multiple issues to report, we ask that you use your best judgment and if need be make a separate reply for each. This will allow us to track each issue more easily.
• Please remember to always Search the thread first, to see if your issue has already been reported.
• If your issue has not been previously reported, then please proceed to reply to this thread specifying what the defect is.
• Again, please make a new reply for each separate issue, and use the following format whenever you are able:
Engine version: The version number of the Unreal Engine which you are currently using. For example: 4.7.2. This is mainly for when you are reporting an issue, that a certain portion of documentation is out-of-date, and to show what version of the engine this was checked against.
Detailed description of the issue: Please remember to include all potentially relevant information (what page you were on, where the issue is located, linking to the page itself).
Screenshots: We encourage you to include a screenshot(s) whenever they may prove helpful in understanding the issue.
Additional info that is helpful: Browser used, how you were viewing the documentation (mobile, tablet, second monitor with different resolution). This will be primarily helpful when there appears to be a formatting issue present. Example: I was viewing the documentation on a tablet and the search window is cutoff and unable to use.
What kind of issues are we asking about?
• Out-of-date information
• Spelling or Punctuation errors
• Out-of-date image(s)
• Link errors (Wrong page, 404, ex…)
• Formatting Issues
Once again, we thank each and every one of you very much for your help!