Reporting Issues for Documentation

( Detail Texturing )

“On the Left Hand side, labeled with a number 1, you can see a Material that does make use of Detail Texturing. On the Right Hand side, labeled with a number 2, you can see a Material that does not make use of Detail Texturing. Notice how in the image on the left, 1, there looks to be more detail from the Normal map and that detail looks much sharper than the image on the left.”

If I am guessing correctly the author meant to type “right” at the end of that paragraph instead of “left.”

( Detail Texturing Node Breakdown )

See the property table.

DetailDiffuse(T2d) This is the input for the Diffuse Detail Texture. This input can only except a Texture Object.
DetailNormal(T2D) This is the input for the Normal Map Detail Texture. This input can only except a Texture Object.

except in each instance should be spelt accept.

Howdy master_rigel,

Thank you for reporting these errors. I opened up the page that you saw the errors on and have changed them to show correctly. At this time, I am unsure as to when the fixes will show live, but they will do so after the next publishing.

Thanks again for calling out these errors and have a great day!

Material - How To

Heading “Material How-To’s”

The “How - To…” table appears to be in the correct order.

The table of contents on the left side of the page does not match.

The new how to sections is excellent if you follow the items in the correct order, however the table of contents does not appear to have any order. It is not alphabetical. It does not follow the same order as the table on the page and it does not refer back to any form of page naming structure in the sitemap.

I think the table of contents needs to be re-ordered to match the order in the table on the page.

Please reply to let me knwo if you agree.


Howdy ,

Thanks again for the feedback. I agree that the Table of contents should match the ‘Material - How To’ page’s content. I have entered UEDOC-2226 into our database so that this can be fixed. i will be sure to keep you posted as I see progress being made on this issue.

Thanks again and have a great day!

The sitemap appears to be having some functionality issues. I also can’t provide any details on the code because it is using id tag imports on almost everything.

The problem is in Chrome 44.0.2403.130.

If I hover over any plus/minus box in the list, the entire element (box plus title) will shutter continuously without giving me a to click on the box.

the problem occurs again, if I hover my mouse in-between items vertically.

The problem really appears to be in the container for those two elements, instead of the elements themselves.

If I had written the code I’d go look and see what’s in “fancybox” but it’s not my code, so I couldn’t say exactly.

For now the site index is unuseable on chrome and is also partially broken on microsoft edge in windows 10.


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Okay. Someone seriously needs to remember to proof read. In this post I have fixed poorly written paragraphs.

Because there were multiple errors in each paragraph, I decided to simply fix the paragraphs themselves instead of pointing out each individual error within the context that it was found. These are not typographical errors, in so far they are not spello’s or missing punctuation. These are simply using spellcheck, and not proof reading the document before publishing. I understand that there are allot of corrrections , and do not get the impression that I am upset or insulted with the quality of the material. That is not the case. Most likely if I were writing this documentation I would probably feel rushed to push out pages as quickly as possible and that may lead to forgetting steps before publishing. I am invested in the product, and in the documentation that supports the product, and that is the only reason that I have submitted all this extra feedback.

( Original Paraphgraph )
The Main Material node is responsible for displaying the results of the all the Material Expression nodes that are input into it the various inputs. Each input on the Main Material node has a unique effect on how the Material will look and perform. A White colored input means that input will have an affect on the Material, while grayed out input will have no affect on the Material. By default, the Main Material node does have some of its inputs grayed out. To enable inputs or disable inputs on the Main Material node ,the following properties have to be modified in the Details panel of the Material.

( Fixed Paragraph )
The Main Material node is responsible for displaying the results of all the Material Expression nodes that are input into the various inputs. Each input on the Main Material node has a unique effect on how the Material will look and perform. A White colored input means that input will have an affect on the Material, while a grayed out input will have no affect on the Material. By default, the Main Material node does have some of its inputs grayed out. To enable inputs or disable inputs on the Main Material node, the following properties have to be modified in the Details panel of the Material.

( Original Paragraph )
To access the Details panel you need make sure that you have the Main Material Node selected. To select the Main Material Node click on it with the Left Mouse Button.

( Fixed Paragraph )
To access the Details panel you need to make sure that you have the Main Material Node selected. To select the Main Material Node click on it with the Left Mouse Button.

( Original Paragraph )
There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drop form the Material Pallet, you can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to also place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.

( Fixed Paragraph )
There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drom from the Material Palette, you can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.

( Original Paragraph )
To use the Main Material Node, you first have to add Material Expression nodes to the Material Graph. Add a Constant3Vector Material Expression node the Material Graph by holding down the Number 3 Key on the keyboard and using the Left Mouse Button to click anywhere inside of the Material Graph to place the node.

( Fixed Paragraph )
To use the Main Material Node, you first have to add Material Expression nodes to the Material Graph. Add a Constant3Vector Material Expression node to the Material Graph by holding down the Number 3 Key on the keyboard and using the Left Mouse Button to click anywhere inside of the Material Graph to place the node.

( Original Paragraph )

There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drop form the Material Pallet, you can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to also place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.

( Fixed Paragraph )

There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drop from the Material Palette. You can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.

( Original Paragraph )

Next add a Constant Material Expression nodes to the Material Graph by first searching in the Material Pallet using the word Constant as a search term. When the Constant Material Expression is found select it by clicking on it with the Left Mouse Button and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag the Material Expression node into the Material Graph releasing the Left Mouse Button when your mouse is over the location in the Material Graph you want to place the Material Expression node.

( Fixed Paragraph )

Next add a Constant Material Expression node to the Material Graph by first searching in the Material Palette using the word Constant as a search term. When the Constant Material Expression is found select it by clicking on it with the Left Mouse Button and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag the Material Expression node into the Material Graph releasing the Left Mouse Button when your mouse is over the location in the Material Graph where you want to place the Material Expression node.

( Original Paragraph )

Now connect the Constant3Vector to the Base Color input on the Main Material node. To do this, use the Left Mouse Button to click on the circle output that is on the right of theConstant3Vector. Then with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag to the right until you see a line coming from the circle output. Connect this line to the Base Color input on the Main Material node.

( Fixed Paragraph )

Now connect the Constant3Vector to the Base Color input on the Main Material node. To do this, use the Left Mouse Button to click on the circle output that is on the right side of theConstant3Vector Material Expression node, and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag to the right until you see a line coming from the circle output. Connect this line to the Base Color input on the Main Material node.


That is all that I could find on this page.

Good luck,

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Definitely broken. Looks like CSS changes are messing with it. I’ll look into getting it fixed up.


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Material Editor - How To Use the Main Material Node

( Using the Main Material Node )

Setting up a Material to use the Main Material Node is something (+that) can be accomplished in the following few steps.

( Using the Main Material Node )

Next add a Constant Material Expression node(-s) to the Material Graph by first searching in the Material (Palette) using the word Constant as a search term. When the Constant Material Expression is found select it by clicking on it with the Left Mouse Button and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag the Material Expression node into the Material Graph (+and) (release) the Left Mouse Button when your mouse is over the location in the Material Graph (+where) you want to place the Material Expression node.

I have made these changes pending next publication in about a week or so. As always, thanks for your contributions in improving the documentation.

I have made most of these changes, but for future reference, it’s much easier to tell if all corrections have been made when you have one paragraph with the correction in parenthesis (like you did last time.) Thanks!

Thanks . I’ll keep that in mind, and when I find errors, I’ll include the corrections in paranetheses individually. I thought it would be easier for you guys just to replace paragraphs than it would be to search through them for addition and deletion. I’ll make sure to do it the way you asked going forward.


Material Editor - How To use Refraction

> Refraction

Refraction is the term used to describe the change in direction of a light wave due to a change in its transmission medium. In other words, when light comes in contact with certain surfaces, like water or glass, the light will get slightly bent because those surfaces (affect) the speed at which light travels through them. The best example of Refraction can be seen by placing part of a pencil in water. The part of the pencil that is placed in the water will appear bent where the pencil and water meet due to Refraction. is a very simple example showing how Refraction works.

> Using Refraction in Materials

Open up the Material created above by using the Left Mouse Button and Double-Clicking on the Material in the Content Browser. Once opened, change the Blend Mode from Opaque to Translucent and change the (-Translucency) Lighting Mode(-L) from (-TLM) Volumetric Non Directional to (-TLM_Surface) (+Surface Translucency Volume). When completed, your Material Details panel should look like this.

Now that there are some testing shapes, apply the Refraction Material Instance to the shapes by first selecting the Material Instance with the Left Mouse Button in the Content Browser and then dragging the Material Instance over (-the) (+a shape and releasing the left mouse button). When completed, you should have something that looks like this in your level.

Thanks for pointing the errors on this page out master_rigel!!

I have altered these pages so that they are showing correctly and the fixes will show live after the next publishing.

Thanks for the awesome work!!

(Building the Material Function)

  1. With the nodes (-now) placed down, it is now time to set them up and wire them together. First, set the Blue Channel of the Constant 3 Vector to 1.0 as this will represent the Z value in our Fresnel term. Then take the output of the Constant 3 Vector node and wire that into the Input of the Vector Transform node. Also make sure that the Transform Node is setup so that we are transforming from Tangent Space into World Space. Then take the output of the Vector Transform node and wire that into the A input of the Dot Product node. Once that has been completed, take the output of the Camera Vector node and wire that into the B input of the Dot Product node. When completed, you should have something that looks like this.

  2. Now with all the nodes we need added to the Material Graph, it is now time to wire everything together. First, we need to wire the output of the OneMinus node to the Base input of the Power node. Then we need to connect our first Function Input node, Fresnel Exponent, into the Exp input of the Power node. Once that has been completed, we need to then connect the output of the Power node to the A input of the Multiply node and then connect our second Function Input, Fresnel Intensity, into the B input of the Multiply node. Finally we need to take the output of the Multiply node and connect that to the input of the Output Result(-s) node.

  3. Once the Material nodes have all been connected, we need to (-now) compile the Material Function by pressing the Apply button on the main tool bar. If the Material Function compiled correctly, the Apply button will be grayed out. When completed, you should have something that looks like the following image.

( Using Material Functions )

  1. With our Material Function (-now) finished, close the Material Function Editor and create a new Material in the Content Browser. To create a new Material, Right-Click in the Content Browser and then select Material from Basic Assets List and name your newly created Material, Fresnel_Material.

  2. (-Now) (-with) (+With) the Fresnel_Material created, open it up by Double Clicking on it with the Left Mouse Button in the Content Browser. With the Material (-now) open, let us first add our newly created Material Function by dragging it from the Content Browser into our material.

Material Editor - Making Material Parameters

( Conclusion )

Material Parameters are a very powerful and extremely useful tool that when combined with Material Instances offer you a way to add an almost endless amount of variation to your Materials. However keep in mind that in order to use Material Parameters you have to use a Material Instance(-s).

I have made the corrections per your last two posts which will be published in the next week or so. Thanks again for your time and contributions towards improving the documentation!

Material Editor UI

> Graph Controls

> > Mouse Controls

(On Control)
Change (Shift + LMB on connector) to (Shift + Double LMB on connector)

Material Editor UI Mouse Controls has been updated and will show correctly after the next publishing.

Awesome work master-!!!

Use the Emissive Material Input

( Emissive Materials in Action )

With the room (-now) setup, it is now time to add some meshes for testing. Inside of the Starter Content folder, there is a folder labeled Shapes. Inside of that folder, you will find a mesh named Shape_Cube. Select the Shape_Cube with your Left Mouse Button and then drag the mesh from the Content Browser into the level releasing the Left Mouse Button when the mesh is over the level viewport. This will place the mesh in the level.

Now that the mesh has been added to level, it is (-now) time to apply the Emissive Material to it. To do this, locate the Emissive Material folder in the Content Browser. Once you find it, select the Material Instance with the Left Mouse Button and then drag the Material Instance from the Content Browser onto the Shape_Cube mesh.