Okay. Someone seriously needs to remember to proof read. In this post I have fixed poorly written paragraphs.
Because there were multiple errors in each paragraph, I decided to simply fix the paragraphs themselves instead of pointing out each individual error within the context that it was found. These are not typographical errors, in so far they are not spello’s or missing punctuation. These are simply using spellcheck, and not proof reading the document before publishing. I understand that there are allot of corrrections , and do not get the impression that I am upset or insulted with the quality of the material. That is not the case. Most likely if I were writing this documentation I would probably feel rushed to push out pages as quickly as possible and that may lead to forgetting steps before publishing. I am invested in the product, and in the documentation that supports the product, and that is the only reason that I have submitted all this extra feedback.
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The Main Material node is responsible for displaying the results of the all the Material Expression nodes that are input into it the various inputs. Each input on the Main Material node has a unique effect on how the Material will look and perform. A White colored input means that input will have an affect on the Material, while grayed out input will have no affect on the Material. By default, the Main Material node does have some of its inputs grayed out. To enable inputs or disable inputs on the Main Material node ,the following properties have to be modified in the Details panel of the Material.
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The Main Material node is responsible for displaying the results of all the Material Expression nodes that are input into the various inputs. Each input on the Main Material node has a unique effect on how the Material will look and perform. A White colored input means that input will have an affect on the Material, while a grayed out input will have no affect on the Material. By default, the Main Material node does have some of its inputs grayed out. To enable inputs or disable inputs on the Main Material node, the following properties have to be modified in the Details panel of the Material.
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To access the Details panel you need make sure that you have the Main Material Node selected. To select the Main Material Node click on it with the Left Mouse Button.
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To access the Details panel you need to make sure that you have the Main Material Node selected. To select the Main Material Node click on it with the Left Mouse Button.
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There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drop form the Material Pallet, you can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to also place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.
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There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drom from the Material Palette, you can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.
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To use the Main Material Node, you first have to add Material Expression nodes to the Material Graph. Add a Constant3Vector Material Expression node the Material Graph by holding down the Number 3 Key on the keyboard and using the Left Mouse Button to click anywhere inside of the Material Graph to place the node.
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To use the Main Material Node, you first have to add Material Expression nodes to the Material Graph. Add a Constant3Vector Material Expression node to the Material Graph by holding down the Number 3 Key on the keyboard and using the Left Mouse Button to click anywhere inside of the Material Graph to place the node.
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There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drop form the Material Pallet, you can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to also place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.
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There are multiple ways to add nodes to the Material Graph. You can drag and drop from the Material Palette. You can also Right-Click in the Material Graph and then search for nodes via the Context menu. Finally, you can use Keyboard Shortcuts to place nodes in the Material Graph. You can read more about this in the Material Editor UI page.
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Next add a Constant Material Expression nodes to the Material Graph by first searching in the Material Pallet using the word Constant as a search term. When the Constant Material Expression is found select it by clicking on it with the Left Mouse Button and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag the Material Expression node into the Material Graph releasing the Left Mouse Button when your mouse is over the location in the Material Graph you want to place the Material Expression node.
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Next add a Constant Material Expression node to the Material Graph by first searching in the Material Palette using the word Constant as a search term. When the Constant Material Expression is found select it by clicking on it with the Left Mouse Button and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag the Material Expression node into the Material Graph releasing the Left Mouse Button when your mouse is over the location in the Material Graph where you want to place the Material Expression node.
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Now connect the Constant3Vector to the Base Color input on the Main Material node. To do this, use the Left Mouse Button to click on the circle output that is on the right of theConstant3Vector. Then with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag to the right until you see a line coming from the circle output. Connect this line to the Base Color input on the Main Material node.
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Now connect the Constant3Vector to the Base Color input on the Main Material node. To do this, use the Left Mouse Button to click on the circle output that is on the right side of theConstant3Vector Material Expression node, and with the Left Mouse Button still held down, drag to the right until you see a line coming from the circle output. Connect this line to the Base Color input on the Main Material node.
That is all that I could find on this page.
Good luck,