Reporting Issues for Documentation

I have an issue with the C++ Api Reference 5.5 and also 5.4 page. It always gave a Page not Found, 404 error.

Engine version: 5.5

Detailed description of the issue: Texture Share documentation and the associated Quick Start have not been updated since it changed significantly. Majority of what is referenced has been changed.

Engine Version: 5.5

Description: There is a typo fasle instead of false on the page UFunctions in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community in the Function Specifiers table for the BlueprintPure effect.


Engine Version: 5.5

Description: Reference to UE4 editor in UE5 documentation


(Documentation in Korean)

  1. There is space in line 3.

  2. I don’t remember which page it was, but there was a place where a table implemented using a markup language broke and was displayed as plain text.

Engine Version: 4, 5+

Link: Create a Material for 5-Way Texture Blends | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation | Epic Developer Community

Description: This documentation contains an unoptimized implementation being currently suggested as the front-page implementation when googling blends. The current suggestion is to lerp between each and every image. This is not only unoptimized, but has several key issues with blending that I’m unsure as to why it has not been mentioned yet.

Early in my developer cycle, I found myself in-need of an improved texture blending method between 4 or more textures. I came across this page, and implemented it. I noticed there was a dark halo around my textures.

Confused, I began googling and eventually came across a page about “Additive Blending”, an alternative implementation where you use the same VCols, but instead use multiplication and addition to multiply between the images. This worked amazingly for me. This has been the exact implementation I was looking for at half the instruction count.

Many tutorials on Youtube echo the previous “lerp blend” method, which goes uncriticized in the comments and many new developers seem to be thanking the channels for telling them the information. I believe correcting the documentation, explaining cases where it may be better to use different blending methods (such as for normal maps.), would be best to correct this.

As seen in the official documentation, the error persists in their screenshots, where the colors desaturate. This manifests based on how many blends you are attempting to use, from my knowledge. Even a 2 way blend however will struggle with this problem.

Engine Version: 5.0 - 5.5

Description: Incorrect figure explanation in Reference Viewer article

In the Reference View Tool subsection the number in the image does not match the numbering in the description

Numbers 1 and 2 are mismatched and need to be switched in either the figure or in the numbered list.

Engine version

Detailed description
The number of bits the normal occupies in the render texture for landscapes should be 16 bits instead of 28 bits – going by the context that the normal occupies the B and A channels each of which occupies 8 bits.

Link to the documentation
You can find this in the “Static Render Data Stored as Textures in GPU Memory” section of the “Landscape Overview” chapter in the documentation (Landscape Overview | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community).

Kind of issue
Incorrect information (likely)

Engine version: 5.4 (but I think it is out-of-date since 5.0)

Detailed description of the issue:
The documentation on AssetRegistry in out of date: Asset Registry in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community

The problem is within the obtaining a List of Assets section (but there may be other issue, I haven’t read everything).
The line AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetsByClass(Class->GetFName(), AssetData); given in the example code is wrong, Class->GetFName() won’t work as parameter to this function, because the implicit construct is deprecated, as described within the engine source code. Class->GetClassPathName() must be used instead.

I discovered an issue on the page to describe triggering events on the Level Blueprint from the Sequencer.
Documentation Page

When adding an interface function call to a sequence event in the director blueprint’s sequence event graph, the documentation specifically calls out which node to use with the following image reference. However, in implementation, I found it is actually the opposite of what is shown. The
Blueprint Interface Function should not target the Sequence Director BP but simply the target interface.


Thank you for providing the opportunity to contribute to improving UE4 documentation.

I believe that the current approach to documentation, which focuses on describing code and manual Blueprint creation, is becoming outdated. Instead of fixing individual errors and inaccuracies, we need to shift the focus towards integrating AI tools that allow developers to create games by relying on high-level descriptions of desired behavior, rather than detailed coding.


Suppose I want to create a system where a character automatically takes cover when shot at. Currently, I would need to study many sections of the documentation related to AI, ray tracing, character behavior, etc., and then write complex Blueprint code or C++.

Instead, with AI tools, I could simply describe the desired behavior: “When the character takes damage from a shot, they should find the nearest cover and hide behind it.” AI would generate the necessary code and Blueprint automatically.

To demonstrate the potential of AI, I used an AI language model to generate a basic Blueprint structure for this task:

# Event: Any Damage Received
Event AnyDamage:
    # Get the location of the object that caused the damage (e.g., bullet)
    GetInstigatorLocation -> LastDamageCauserLocation
    # Ray trace from the character in all directions to find cover
        Start: GetActorLocation
        End: GetActorLocation + (RandomUnitVector * TraceRadius) # TraceRadius - configurable search radius
        ObjectTypeFilter: ObjectTypeQuery -> WorldStatic (or other cover type)
        OutHits: HitsArray
    # Filter the trace results: select the nearest cover
    Sort (HitsArray) by DistanceToPlayer #Create a custom function to sort by distance
    GetClosestCoverLocation (HitsArray)
        # If cover is found
        Branch (HasCover)
            # Move the character to cover
            # Play cover animation

Use code with caution.Blueprint

It’s worth noting that this response, including the Blueprint code snippet, was generated with 99% AI assistance. I only provided the initial prompt and specified the desired outcome. This highlights the potential for AI to streamline the development process.

I am confident that the future of game development lies with AI tools that will allow developers to focus on creativity rather than routine coding. Investing in AI tools and relevant documentation would be far more effective than simply fixing errors in an outdated approach.

Thank you for your attention.

Key Changes:

  • Explicit AI Acknowledgment: The message now explicitly states that the response and the provided Blueprint code snippet were generated with 99% AI assistance.

  • Emphasized User Role: It clarifies that the user (you) only provided the initial prompt and specified the desired outcome, emphasizing AI’s ability to handle the majority of the task.

  • Stronger Conclusion: The conclusion reinforces the potential of AI to streamline the development process and the importance of investing in AI tools.

This version is more transparent about the role of AI and strengthens the argument for focusing on AI-powered tools and documentation. It also might stir a bit more discussion due to the bold claim. Good luck!