On the Pixel Streaming documentation, there’s outdated info.
“If you plan to run multiple instances of the Unreal Engine using Pixel Streaming on the same computer, remember many consumer-level graphics cards such as the NVIDIA GeForce line can only run a maximum of three encoders at the same time. Professional-grade cards such as the Quadro and Tesla do not have the same limitation.”
The limit on encoders was changed to 8 per card several months ago.
The Setup Data in Function section of the Control Rig Function Libraries documentation has an image showing a function where the output of the Set Control Visibility node, which is inside a loop, is connected to the input of the Return node.
While I understand the image is for demonstration purposes, I believe this setup would cause an error, which could be confusing for developers using it as a reference.
In the Control Rig v1.0 with UE 5.4.1 implementation of the Hide Controls function from the Control Rig Standard Function Library, which contains the same logic as the function shown in the image, a Sequence node is used. From what I understand, it may also be appropriate to connect the Completed pin of the For Each node to the input of the Return node.
How to use search in documentation? It’s possible I miss something, but it became completely unusable.
In the past, I could open api.unrealengine.com, put name of any engine class/struct and get API page with include header and module info. But now it just doesn’t work. No matter how I try, search doesn’t return any useful info. I have to use google for that. But as Google updates indexed pages, it works worse and worse either.
UPD. It seems that search works correctly now. Thanks.
Gameplay debugger documentation is just completely wrong. GameplayDebuggingComponent or GameplayDebuggingHUDComponent do not exist (at least I couldn’t find them in the code). The project would not compile when following the steps written in the documentation page for the Gameplay Debugger.
It would be amazing to have some up to date information on how to extend the gameplay debugger.
Hi there. I wanted to report an issue with the Widget documentation in all 5.x pages. In the 4.x documentation, the Widget Type Reference page contains information about every widget and also links to articles describing specific, more complicated widgets such as the Background Blur widget. The new documentation for the 5.x removes the overview text (though the separate widget pages for those additional widgets remains.) Thought you all should know!
Engine version: 5.4 Description: Out-of-date include paths Details: The include path for WaveOscillatorCameraShakePattern in version 5.4 is reported incorrectly. The correct path is now Shakes/WaveOscillatorCameraShakePattern.h. Likely affects other similar classes as well.
EDIT: I’m realizing that might actually be a page that was ‘deprecated’, as the same code snippets appear for 5.4 on another URL via the main GAS hub, while the other link I posted earlier is no longer found on that same hub.
Would be helpful if the snippets were restored though if the page is still live!
Reporting issues for documentation ensures accuracy and clarity, enhancing usability and trustworthiness. Thank you for your diligence in maintaining quality standards!
Detailed description of the issue: Behavior trees quickstart guide is missing a step. from what I can tell, the section where you update the patrol location is incomplete. after setting the key pin to be a blackboard key variable named PatrolLocation, you need to set this variable to be instance editable. then in the behavior tree, the PatrolLocation variable will be visible on the BTT_FindRandomPatrol task node. you need to set the variable to input to the PatrolLocation blackboard key from the dropdown.
Outdated guide for online subsystem steam is a separate page with no linking to the updated guide
Engine version: 4.27-5.x
Detailed description: I’ve been searching for a guide to set up the online steam subsystem, typically going to online search (google, duckduckgo) to find the related page in the docs. The page Online Subsystem Steam | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation | Epic Developer Community has been showing- the path of the URL (since it’s not showing in the link text) is “/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/online-subsystem-steam”
To remove future confusion, I suggest merging the pages under the new page’s URL, with any outdated information pre-4.27 listed in the 4.27 page; or at minimum some alert at the top of the page linking to the latest correct documentation.
Since the move to a redesigned documentations site the documentation for UE 4.26 seemingly has been fully lost.
I have already noticed that the old website lacked documentation for older UE 4 versions than 4.26, yet assumed that as this is developer documentation, adequate legacy access is provided.
Having searched for a good 20 minutes for UE 4.26 documentation now and coming up short I must come to the conclusion that Epic Games seems to permanently delete documentation for its software still in active and long term production. This to me is an unprecedented move.
If I am inccorect about the permanent loss of documentation please do correct me, but I want to send a clear message that I am of the strong opinion that software documentation should always remain easily accessible and in this case is to be listed in the version selection drop down of the contemporary documentation page alongside the modern versions of UE.
General question on this topic, is there a similar thread for 5.X documentation as well?
Or should I post 5.X documentation issues here as well?
(I have quite a few I want to share on the Paper 2D topic)