Reporting Issues for Documentation

Thanks for the heads up on this one as well!
put in a request to get the missing descriptions looked at.

An alternative needs to be provided on this page.

Set Up

“This How To does require that you have some sort of mesh saved as a .FBX that you can import into UE4 already. It does not have to be a complicated mesh. In this example, we will be using just a simple polygon sphere made in Maya.”

I don’t have maya. Lots of people don’t have maya. I would re-write this to say:

“This How To does require that you have some sort of mesh saved as a .FBX that you can import into UE4 already. It does not have to be a complicated mesh. In this example, we will be using just a simple polygon sphere made in Maya. You may also use an asset of your own created in another application.”


Put in a request to have better clarification on this page.
Thanks for the feedback!

Article link: Compiling Game Projects | Unreal Engine Documentation

Engine version: 4.7.6

Detailed description of the issue:

Missing and Out-of-date information.

  • Need to know where to set the “-debug” flag at, and what files the end users need to modify in order to correctly set this flag.
  • “Visual Studio 2013 Community” support needs to be included, other than Professional and Express. Cannot stress enough that Community edition of Visual Studio 2013 is way useful than Express.
  • There are more build configuration options in Visual Studio 2013 project solutions generated for 4.7.6. Need to explain more about each of the newer options available.

Screenshots: N/A.

Additional info that is helpful: UE4 build configurations can have tremendous side effects in school lab computers. In our school, we have a case where VC++ Directories in Project Properties are blank, causing all sorts of issues with not being able to detect <windows.h> at all.

Proposed new template for doc issue report:

  1. Changes: Added extra “article link” tag.


Article link:

Engine version:

Detailed description of the issue: 


Additional Info: 

Hey !
I went ahead and added a note to that section to clarify for users that they can use an asset from another program.
Thanks for the heads up,

We have a issue in currently for this page to be updated. I did go through and add additional info to the request thought to point out certain features missing and to let the team know that users would like to see updated info with this page.

Thanks !

Engine version: 4.7.6
Description: AddOnScreenDebugMessage remark possibly out-of-date

The remark about UEngine::AddOnScreenDebugMessage says “This function will add a debug message to the onscreen message list. It will be displayed for FrameCount frames.”
There is no FrameCount parameter; instead there is a TimeToDisplay parameter which is the time in seconds to display.

Documentation Item Missing

Engine Version

Page Address

Menu Bar > Asset

Missing Item:
View References


Items Missing from list

Engine Version

Documentation Page

Menu Bar > Window > Developer Tools

  • Many items have been moved from the “Window menu” into the “Developer Tools” submenu. This page has to be updated to reflect that change.
  • Also check for any other items added to or removed from the Window menu and Developer tools menu.


Page out of date.

Engine Version


Image is wrong

This image appears to be old. If the image is old, then it means the content on the rest of the page might also be old. It would be a good idea to go back and review the entire page for accuracy. The whole thing appears quite out of date for the new unreal engine workflow. I’ll pass over this page for the time being, and write it off as out of date.


Engine version


Some .ini Settings

“The .ini settings are all contained under the TextureStreaming section.”

First off. The file referred to is not announced by name anywhere else in the document.

Second of all. When creating a new Blank project, “DefaultEngine.ini” does not contain a copy of these settings from BaseEngine.ini in the config folder of Unreal Engine. Other new project templates may be similarly affected. I haven’t tried the others.

Console commands

This heading and all its content should come ahead of “Stat Streaming” heading and “Stat StreamingDetails” heading.


I found it!

The files got split up into different levels. you have to look in the intermediate folder under the root folder for the project. There you will find another config folder. This foler will contain “CoalescedSourceConfigs” which contain a variety of config files. Some familiar and some not.

The documentation on this page needs to be updated to reflect this change.

Engine version


Example - Moving Forward - Section 3


It could be great to if “InputEnabled Actor” include PlayerController? Pawn? Character?
What’s “Accept input” function that you are refering to? I look in the API, it’s not clear what’s function should be called. A more detail C++/BP code should be provided.

The example is confusing, as the input W is managed by the Player Pawn. What’s confusing is why the Pawn Actor managed it first, is it because it is the mode recent “input enabled actor” or is it because you went to the last “input procedure check” which is Pawn ^^

More when speaking about Pawn, is it the pawn controlled by the player or any pawn in the game?

you might also precise that a key can be bound on multiple ActionMapping and that all ActionMapping will be fired & treated.
Ex: MouseClick can be bound to StartFire (handled in the pawn) and NotifyFire(handled in the PlayerController). When you click on the mouse button, the 2 actions mappings will be fired. It’s not exclusive.


Engine Version


Engine Config TextureGroup Properties

“For developing games, the [your_game]\Config\DefaultEngine.ini file also contains a mirror set of the base properties in the Engine\Config\ folder and should be the copy that is normally modified for your game’s specific settings.”

I can’t find a copy of these settings in the DefaultEngine.ini file in the config folder of my project. I only find the base occurence of them in the “BaseEngine.ini” file in the Config folder for the 4.76 installation of the engine.


I found it!

The files got split up into different levels. you have to look in the intermediate folder under the root folder for the project. There you will find another config folder. This foler will contain “CoalescedSourceConfigs” which contain a variety of config files. Some familiar and some not.

The documentation on this page needs to be updated to reflect this change.

Okay. I guess Epic has given up on this forum. Not that I understand why I of course I have simply noticed no activity from them for almost a month. That being said I’m not going to do anymore posting as it isn’t worth the time that I could be spending attending to learning teh engine and developing my game.


Hey ! first i am truly sorry it has taken a while to get back to you and please know all the issues/feedback will be cataloged. I am currently in the process of rounding out finally pieces and finishing out my last week with epic games. Again I will make sure all the recent submission are cataloged for the doc team properly and I do not believe the forum will die lol someone will keep it going. It has been a pleasure working with you guys and keep up the good work !!

your friend,

Hey ! I put in a request to have this looked at and to be updated.
Thanks, .

Fixed this one and added it into the page.

added more info to this section in question on the Texture Editor UI page.

Dear .

I was under the impression that this forum had fallen by the way side. I apologize if I have come across as insulted. That wasn’t the intent. I tend to be quite literal. I hope that you have good luck with wherever you go next. Safe travels, and happy gaming.
