Reporting Issues for Documentation

Engine version: 4.26-5.0
Detailed description of the issue: End result video on “Creating Drag and Drop UI in Unreal Engine” page is private.

Additional info that is helpful: Page was viewed on desktop with Firefox and on mobile (Pixel 3XL) with Chrome.

Link to page: Creating Drag and Drop UI in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

Engine version: 5.0.1
Detailed description of the issue: The links in the Data Registries doc page seem to all be broken now. Some image paths are also dead too. Data Registries in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation





The top result for " game feature" on duck duck go goes to this URL:

The new URL appears to be

It would be nice if when renaming articles there was an automatic forward from the old article to the new name.

I think there is wrong statement in online session interface documentation page.

Engine version: 4.27
Detailed description of the issue: On this documentation page there is this statement

The session interface is created and owned by the OnlineSubsystem. This means it only exists on the server.

That sounded wrong because how can we search or join the session from the clients?
So I made this code snippet

bool UGameInstanceSubsystem::IsThereAnyOnlineSessionInterface()
const IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInterface = Online::GetSessionInterface(());
return SessionInterface.IsValid();

and that returned true on both listen server and also on connected clients.


Engine version: 5.0
Description: On the Unreal Architecture page, the link to the Tasks System page is broken and results in a 404.

The broken URL currently is: “

There is a stray period at the end of the URL – removing it allows navigation to the expected page.

Engine version: 5.0
Description: On the World Settings page, the link to the Actor Ticking article displays a broken snippet of text instead of the proper link.

The broken text shows:

To learn more about Ticking and Actor behaviors, see [](programming-and-scripting/interactive-framework/unreal-engine-actors/actor-ticking).

I believe the intended link target is:

PLEASE IGNORE THIS POST - For some reason my mouse scroll wheel stopped working which made me think I was at the bottom of the page when in reality I was not… A simple refresh of the document page sorted the issue, however I still don’t know why my mouse wheel stopped scrolling Was it the Chrome browser at fault or was it the document page in question at fault??

Text is being cut off at the bottom of the doc page :

Screen Rez: 1080p Wide screen

Browser: Chrome

Screen shot:


There is at least 2 mistake in this documentation.
The code samples do not reflect what it is said in the text description.
“When you define variables in your Viewmodel, each variable should be Private”
In the code sample they are public.
" If you create custom Getter or Setter functions, do not make them UFUNCTIONS"
In the sample, you used the “UFUNCTION” attribute.

This is an useful feature, so I hope you can clean this page so we know what to code (even if it is in BETA stage :D)

Engine Version: 5.0/5.1

Detailed description of the issue: On the page ‘Working with Levels’ (Working with Levels in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation), near the top is the sentence " Open World: A Level with sample content that uses the World Partition feature to create a large, streamable open world."

The link titled ‘World Partition’ links to a dead page. It is currently linked to


but the page it wants to link to is


This can be deduced from the titles of the pages, as the above link is titled ‘World Partition’ under the section ‘Building Virtual Worlds’.

Additional info that is helpful: This can be easily fixed in the servers backend, the route for the page just needs to be changed to the new naming convention, so instead of /building-virtual-worlds/world-partition, change it to /building-virtual-worlds-in-unreal-engine, or more specifically for the subsection ‘World Partition’, /world-partition-in-unreal-engine . The new format for linking to a specific page is to just replace spaces with hyphens, and append ‘in unreal engine’ and the end of it

Unreal Engine API Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation mentions “Unreal Engine Programming” home - this link: that is a 404 page.

For unreal 5.1, the node Set Master Pose Component is changed to Set Leader Pose Component but the page isn’t updated. I thought it was missing.

Hi, I’m newbee to make sound design winth unreal but I think I found a mistake in the ambisonic page of documentation. (

It’s written:

FuMa channel ordering sequences the ambisonics audio channel components as W,Y,Z,X.

ACN channel ordering uses W,X,Y,Z.

But it’s written the opposite


and too

The documentation for Shader Parameter Structs in Unreal 5.1.0 contains compile errors:

According to the docs, shader parameters can be defined through a variety of types, but FVector types (FVector, FVector2D, FVector3D and FVector4) cause a static assert to fail with the following message:

static_assert failed: 'Invalid type FVector2D of member ViewportSize.' Expression 0 != 0 evaluates to false

Building a project with such a shader parameter struct is therefore not possible.

UE version: 5.1.0

OS: Ubuntu 20.04


The official guide on Adding Global Shaders to Unreal Engine 5.1 is outdated. The code examples contain plenty of nonexistant function calls and are generally incinsistent with the official Render Dependency Graph Programming Guide for UE 5.1.

1 Like

FBX Import documentation button leads to dead url:

There is a minor spelling error in the first sentence of the Landscape Blueprint Brushes documentation page (Landscape Blueprint Brushes in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation).

“Landscape Blueprint Brushes provde a stack of -defined sculting brushes that can be manipulated non-destructively,”

The word should be “sculpting.” :slight_smile:

Engine Version: 5.1

The documentation on Smart Pointers says the default behavior is not thread-safe:

"By default, Smart Pointers are only safe to access on a single thread. If you need multiple threads to have access, use the thread-safe versions of Smart Pointer classes: "

But the default for Smart Pointers is thread-safe. From the code:

// Forward declarations.  By default, thread safety features are turned on. (Mode = ESPMode::ThreadSafe).
// If you need more concerned with performance of ref-counting, you should use ESPMode::NotThreadSafe.
template< class ObjectType, ESPMode Mode = ESPMode::ThreadSafe > class TSharedRef;
template< class ObjectType, ESPMode Mode = ESPMode::ThreadSafe > class TSharedPtr;
template< class ObjectType, ESPMode Mode = ESPMode::ThreadSafe > class TWeakPtr;
template< class ObjectType, ESPMode Mode = ESPMode::ThreadSafe > class TSharedFromThis;

The documentation for Gameplay Ability System Component has a broken link in the opening paragraph

The documentation for Gameplay Attributes and Attribute Sets has a misleading comment in the code. Unreal engine 5.1 (but maybe previous versions too)

Attribute Sets > Definition and Setup > Step 3. has a code fragment

// Get the UMyAttributeSet from our Ability System Component. The Ability System Component will create and register one if needed.

AttributeSet = ASC->GetSet<UMyAttributeSet>();

The issue is with the second sentence of the comment where it states the function call will create and registering an attribute set if one doesn’t exist. This is incorrect. Under the hood UAbilitySystemComponent::GetSet calls GetAttributeSubobject which will only find existing attributes sets. The correct function to call if you want to get an existing set or create a new one is AddSet()which will call GetOrCreateAttributeSubobject under the hood.

I was following along with this code in my own work and was wondering why GetSet() was always returning nullptr. The comment mislead me about the right function to call.

Screenshot - 894301720910bbcafe72bc102d74597f - Gyazo Update text from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5