Reporting Issues for Documentation

Hello Chegele,

I have fixed the typos you pointed out. Thanks for bringing them to our attention.

Hello Juande,

You are correct, I have fixed that typo. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Engine version: 4.27

Detailed description of issue: Hi, first of all this page is really well done overall! Well written and covers a lot of valuable information! I have been working to get a solid set of renders to pass off to a compositor and found that there is something funky with this example scene and some inaccurate information in that list.

Something is up with the curtain, which ultimately is fine but for an example scene it’s throwing some confusing information. In particular in the “unlit” example. Where the curtain is completely blown out and almost lighting the objects around it.

The description of Unlit should be updated as it is inaccurate. This render pass does not only display base color, it also takes specular information. (see my link to my previous forum post for a more detailed test breakdown).

Thank you!

Screenshots/Links: Render Passes | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

Additional info that is helpful: A deeper dive into my tests on the movie render queue unlit render setting. The information in the documentation is not accurate:

Simple warp, as largely described in this document about does not seems to exist in preview. Is it deprecated already?

How to deal with this, shoudl be wait for a new documentation page of the new warp system?

The 3rd Person Mixamo documentation seems to be completely out of date. This page:

references Marketplace functions that are gone, and content that is seems to only be available from Adobe now. Plus it looks like Mixamo products require different integration tools than when the page was written.

I’m using version engine version 4.27.2
I’ve just gone through the C++ tutorial Components and Collision.

In step 4.2 the tutorial instructs you to add the line #include "CollidingPawnMovementComponent.h to CollidingPawn.cpp, but the directions on where to put it reference lines in CollidingPawn.h. In the finished code this line appears in CollidingPawn.cpp. The code will compile either way.

The instructions are unclear.

I’m using version engine version 4.27.2
I’ve just gone through the C++ tutorial Components and Collision and found a second issue.

In step 4.5 the tutorial instructs you to add the lines:

InInputComponent->BindAction("ParticleToggle", IE_Pressed, this, &ACollidingPawn::ParticleToggle);

InInputComponent->BindAxis("MoveForward", this, &ACollidingPawn::MoveForward);
InInputComponent->BindAxis("MoveRight", this, &ACollidingPawn::MoveRight);
InInputComponent->BindAxis("Turn", this, &ACollidingPawn::Turn);

This creates errors because the function definition is different in the tutorial than it is generated on inheriting from the Pawn class.
The tutorial expects the UInputComponent of SetupPlayerInputComponent() to be named InInputComponent, but it is named PlayerInputComponent. Because this is function is inherited from the Pawn class, it is added automatically and the tutorial does not reference it.

The function is defined in the tutorial as:
virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* InInputComponent) override;
My function was defined as:
virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override;

I would guess that this is out-of-date information.

This page:

attempts to tell the how to get ValleyOfTheAncient. It refers to the tab of the Library menu entry in the Launcher. That has been removed and VOTA is now found under the learn tab in Content and Samples.

I’m using engine version 4.27.2, going through the Player-Controlled Cameras tutorial.

Under “1. Attach a Camera to a Pawn”
Step 6. instructs you to add includes. One of the includes is wrong.
#include "Camera/Component.h" should be
#include "Camera/CameraComponent.h".

I think this is a typo.

Hi. This page gives a 404:
It’s the first result in for searching for “unreal engine source code”. the result link is:
and I believe it should redirect to:

Engine version: 5.0
Detailed description of the issue: 3 links are broken.

  • [Experience]() and [Equipment]()

Lyra uses the Gameplay Ability System (GAS ) to orchestrate most of its gameplay. Abilities can be innate to hero data like jump, granted from an action like a Game feature, gained through Experience, or granted from Equipment.

  • [Lyra's Input system]()

Abilities granted through the Gameplay Ability Set (UGameplayAbilitySet ) will automatically check for activation if a matching Input Tag is received fromLyra’s Input system. This streamlines ability activation without having to rely on opaque numeric Input ID numbers or manually handling Input Action events. Examples include jumping (GA_Hero_Jump) and weapon firing (GA_Weapon_Fire), described below.

Engine version: 5.0
Detailed description of the issue: Spelling error.

  • server-sde is probably a typo for server-side.

High-level game phase logic is managed server-sde by Lyra Game State (ALyraGameState ), located in your C:\Lyra\Source\LyraGame\LyraGameState.h file . Game States only exist on the server, and use an Ability System Component with Game Phases that are implemented as abilities. These Game Phases are activated and deactivated to affect how gameplay events are handled. As an example, ShooterCore implements three phases:

The third bullet point in the description of Class on the terminology page is " Page Not Found".

Engine Version: 5.0
Description: The gifs/webp images on the docs page don’t appear to play and only show a still.


Chrome version: Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)
same with Firefox
same with Edge

The C++ Only example page starts off with “Using the Page Not Found, …”

There are two additional
occurrences of Page Not Found on the C++ Only page.

This post is returned pretty high in search results when searching for gameplay features. It links to this URL which 404s

In the UE 5.0 (and previous 4.x versions also) docs topic “Using Editor Viewports” under the heading on that page “Viewport Types” it shows, lists and describes the shortcut out of order and is wrong. Side is shown then Top. Wrong. Top then Side. You are told “ALT and G, H, J, or K” is Perspective, Front, Side, or Top respectively. Wrong. It is Perspective, Front, Top and Side, respectively.

Specifically, the errant hotkeys described on this page are:
Alt + J is not SIDE
Alt + K is not TOP

Looking back through older docs it seems this error has been in the docs for years. Can’t believe I’m the first person to see this? LOL.


Image showing issue:

Engine version:

Detailed description of the issue:

ALthough this page suggests to use " stat audiostreaming" console command to display debug info. it won’t work anymore. And I tried to find eqivalent to the missing command, there seems nothing appropriate in the codebase so far.

Additional info that is helpful:
I think it was removed in this commit below.

Engine version:

Detailed description of the issue:
In Enabling Audio Stream Caching for Windows section, developers are to enable Use Stream Caching in their project settings to use this feature. Actually, there is no such option.

Additional info that is helpful:
This function referenced a value which can be configred by the the option above before (At least I confirmed 4.27 still referenced it), but it always return false in 5.0.1, so I think this feature is default now.