Reporting Issues for Documentation

When opening/maximizing any picture in any documentation and then closing it, scrolling stops working and you have to refresh the website. Tried in Chrome and Firefox and it’s the same issue across both web browsers.

Example: Unreal Editor Interface | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation if you press on the first picture, it will maximize it and then pressing anywhere on the site to get out of the maximized picture you can’t scroll anymore.

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Missing Information in Documentation

Engine Version: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2

The documentation page has a header that came up in my google search but the page in question has no information. Control Rig Arrays in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

As someone relatively new to control rig I believe the information that is supposed to be on this page would be incredibly helpful.

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There is an error in EOS configuration example on this page

As described in this post EOS Client Disconnect when Join Session - #5 by RaiderOfLostBit

The issue is still present in 5.2

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Engine Version: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2

Detailed description of the issue: Converting PSO Caches command does not work

Section: Collection Flow
Part 3: Converting PSO Caches

This part has a command line that does not work which is written like this:

Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe -run=ShaderPipelineCacheTools expand C:\PSOCache*.rec.upipelinecache C:\PSOCache*.shk C:\PSOCache[YourPrefix]_[ProjectName]_[ShaderFormatName].spc

Which Instead it should be like this:

Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe "YourProjectDirectory.uproject" -run=ShaderPipelineCacheTools expand C:\PSOCache\*.rec.upipelinecache C:\PSOCache\*.shk C:\PSOCache\[YourPrefix]_[ProjectName]_[ShaderFormatName].spc
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Engine Version: 5.2
Page: Module Properties in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
Issue: InternalIncludePaths is misspelled. The “I” of “Include” is missing. Understandable, since “l” and “I” look almost identical in my browser.

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Virtual that can be overloaded by the inheriting class.

virtual bool IsAllowedToTick() const

but in code

virtual bool IsAllowedToTick() const override final;

thus it cannot be overridden.

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Engine Version: 5.2
Detailed description of the issue: “Unreal Engine Programming” link leads to a 404 page.
Page in question: Unreal Engine API Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation

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Documentation version for 5.0-5.2

IncludelistTargets / ExcludelistTargets is not present in UnrealBuildTool in 5.2

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In the Contributing to the Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation section it suggesting to stick to master branch for contributions.

BUT master branch is actually a branch for UE4.27, for Unreal 5 main branch is ue5-main please add some kind of note about it or replace master with ue5-main in this article completely - I’ve spent hours downloading and compiling from master branch just to learn it’s not Unreal 5.


In Unreal Engine for Unity Developers | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation at the very bottom, section “Where is the .NET Framework?”. UE Version 5.3.

There are some 404 links for FString, FText, TArray, TMap, TSet

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This page doesn’t even recognize that a Linux version of Unreal Engine exists.

Meanwhile, just as with the Mac version, the Linux version seems to handle credentials differently (ie, doesn’t work as I get E170013 and EE215004 errors similar to the Mac example of the page).

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There is an incorrect link to Widget Blueprints in UMG on the page UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide.

Affected Engine versions: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Description: On the UMG quick start guide under section 1 - Required Project Setup, there is a link that is meant to take users to Widget Blueprints, but it instead directs them to Level Designer Quick Start.
Note that there is a second link to the Widget Blueprints in section 2 which works correctly. Only the link to Widget Blueprints under section 1 goes to the wrong page.

Pages with the issue:
5.0: UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
5.1: UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
5.2: UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
5.3: UMG UI Designer Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation


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The documentation next to “FPipe constructor” shows the FTaskEvent constructor instead

Pages with the issue :
5.0: Tasks System References in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
5.1: Tasks System References in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
5.2: Tasks System References in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
5.3: Tasks System References in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

Screenshot :

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Problem: The documentation page for the Enhanced Player Input System is out of date for UE5.3. Several functions are deprecated in UE5.3 and there is a new way of using the EPIS. Please document the new way.

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There is a small typo on the linked page - Logging in Unreal 5.3
In the name of the header required for UE_LOGFMT, It should spell “StructUred”, not “StructEred”:

Said typo is annoying when copy-pasting this into the code:



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There are incorrect links to animation editors.

Affected Engine versions: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Description: The following two links point to wrong pages:

  • Skeletal Mesh Editor: The Skeletal Mesh Editor is where you can make edits to meshes, assign Materials, adjust Level of Detail (LOD), and test Morph Target functionality.
  • Animation Sequence Editor: If the Skeletal Mesh has associated Animation Sequences, you can edit and preview them, including augmentation tools such as, Blendspaces, Morph Targets and Animation Notifies here.

Pages with the issue:
Animation Editors in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation - section “Editor Modes”

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There is outdated information on the Unreal Engine for Unity Developers Page.

Affected Versions: 4.26 and up

Description: The ‘Blueprint Classes Can Be Extended’ heading states that Unreal Engine allows blueprint extension, whereas Unity prefabs do not. In version 2018.2, however, Unity added a feature called ‘Prefab Variants,’ which do offer that functionality.

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Search engines have trouble indexing the documentation and always links to the wrong version.

I would suggest two actions in order to fix this:

  1. Replace the url of the latest version of the doc so that the version number is instead “latest”. So instead of “…/5.3/…” the url would contain “…/latest/…”. This way, the url of the latest version of the doc is always the same. Currently, “latest” redirects to “5.3”, but it should be the other way around!
  2. Add noindex metadata in html headers for each page not in the latest version of the documentation. This way the search engine crawlers doesn’t try to index other versions of the doc, which would conflict in search results.

FRichTextDecorator::CreateDecoratorText documentation incorrectly states that the InOutString parameter starts as the content between tags.

Engine Version: 5.3.2, but actually probably much earlier, it doesn’t look like this has changed for a while.

Detailed description: The FRichTextDecorator::CreateDecoratorText documentation incorrectly states that the InOutString parameter starts as the content between tags; in fact it starts as the content of the entire text block up to the tag being processed, and it’s the responsibility of the overriding method to grab the content between the tags from RunInfo.Content and then append it to the InOutString to make it render.

Screenshots/links: FRichTextDecorator::CreateDecoratorText | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

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Simple grammatical error in the Instanced material documentation for unreal engine 5.3

Suggested wording :

  1. “…relationships that allow you to alter…”
  2. “…relationships that alter…”