Reporting Issues for Documentation

Possible UCLASS example code descrepancy

Engine version: 4.10.4 - although issue is just with docs

Detailed description of the issue: UCLASS example code’s header file discrepancy with description following in tutorial. UE4 Documentation -> Programming Guide -> Introduction to C++ Programming in UE4 (Diving Deeper Still)

The code example is stated to be for a UCLASS, and the code seems to make sense, but below the code example reads “You’ll first notice the inclusion of “MyClass.generated.h”. Unreal…”

Given the code sample, I’d have expected it to say “…inclusion of “MyObject.generated.h”…”

Screenshots: Uhm… I’m also having issues uploading a jpg or png from desktop. Win10+chrome. I can provide for that if necessary.

's the one for this issue, via URL:

Additional info that is helpful: Win10+chrome

I noticed some other inconsistencies on the FBX Static Mesh Pipeline page; in particular for the Sockets section.

  • In the TOC towards the top, Sockets is indented at level 3 (as if it belongs to Collision), while I believe it should be at level 2 (same level as Collision; but with “Caveats and Considerations” being level 3 for both of them as sub-chapters). If i had to guess, I’d say the TOC is auto-generated and the Sockets header should be h3, not h4.
  • “Caveats and Considerations” for Sockets keeps referring to the “UCX” Prefix in the first bullet, which should be “SOCKET” (since UCX is for custom convex collision in the previous sub-chapter).


All the links to the videos on this page are broken:

I’m not sure that this has been reported yet; if it had, the problem would be fixed, I suppose.

All the other links are okay.

We are aware and should have them fixed soon. The location of the videos changed but the redirect isn’t working properly so the links that haven’t been updated aren’t working.

You can find all of the videos until the problem is resolved:

Thank you! They are now fixed. :smiley:

And they are now broken again… Even the bookmark to the first series of videos I had saved doesn’t work:

… and it still doesn’t work. Another gripe I have: each time I visit the documentation, I get the page in whatever language is proposed beside English. To get it right, I must navigate several times until the page eventually displays in English (the menus, not the content obviously).

When I get to the documentation from a shortcut, I get this:


When I click on what I suppose is “English” in the language menu:


I land on this page:


From there, I must navigate to the documentation again and, if I’m lucky, I’ll get the page in English.

It’s been like this for days but apparently nobody visits the doc any more or they just don’t care.

That link is malformed (as a result of our previously broken redirect) and will not work. It should be:

All of the links in the documentation should be fixed now and the redirect is working properly for links to the old system.

This is a known issue and our online team is working on it currently.

There is no language selector in the header when viewing a documentation page. That menu is the Academia menu and the link you are clicking is to the Education Program page.

Sorry for the issues with the header. It is not just in the documentation, though. The problem occurs on all of our sites and is being looked into. Hopefully we will have it fixed very soon.

Well, this link does work, thank you! :smiley:

But the ones below don’t:

  1. Introduction to Blueprints:
  2. 3rd person power-up game with C++:

On booting this morning, the problem has not occurred. I wondered what could cause it yesterday and I thought that maybe it had something to do with the default language I had chosen for my browser (Firefox 45.0.2). I’m living in France and had chosen British English as the default language for my browser. Yesterday I switched to “English”, just English not American English or British English. This morning I got the right header. I hope this can help. :wink:

I think this is usually due to those series having been updated since you bookmarked them. When we update a series, the playlist doesn’t change but doesn’t allow updating a video with a new version so the IDs of all the videos in the series change.

In most cases like that, if you take the last part of the URL off (the video ID), it should bring you to the playlist page where you can select a video to play. Sometimes the playlist changes as well though so this doesn’t work.

You can find all of the videos :

These are the series I believe you are looking for:

I’m not using bookmarks to go on these videos pages. The cache of my browser is emptied each time I shut it down, so are the cookies. I go to the page directly on launching the browser because it’s one of my “home” pages.

Oh, wow. That’s super lame on our part. It’s the same issue but it’s us who needs to update the IDs. Sorry! I’ll fix it today.

The video links should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing them out and yelling at me until I understood the issue was on our end. :slight_smile:

Thank you! You’re welcome! Ask me if you need more! :smiley:

Multiplayer In Blueprints page could use some clarity.

The following line makes my head asplode:

The first part is very ambiguous. What is meant by “world?” Every time I read this I conclude that players and the server can both have authority over the same actor, which I don’t think is correct.

Page USceneComponent | Unreal Engine Documentation lists SetupAttachment as deprecated (4.12) where in fact it’s a new thing. What adds additional confusion is that the function it actually replaces (in constructor) is AttachTo which on the other hand hasn’t been marked as deprecated at all (even it is) on that very same page.

Seems to be missing some steps. It goes from making a folder called master, then suddenly talks about Master Level Sequence that you have not made yet.
The only thing it have told you to make is a add level Sequence (also showed on the picture).

“When doing so in this manor you are creating the Level Sequence asset” should be “manner”. We’re not building an English country house :smiley:

HI! i have UE 4.9.2 installed and i am following the Programming Tutorials. But when i reached this page → (“Customize a Pawn”) 1. Customize a Pawn | Unreal Engine Documentation – i was typing in the line “OurCamera->SetupAttachment” and Visual studio didn’t find this method. I searched and found out this method was added only in version 4.12. - the problem is that at the top of this webpage, it shows “Unreal Engine 4.9” (the one i have installed). Could this be fixed so i can follow this tutorial, once it says “Unreal Engine 4.9” ? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

The version number for the page apparently didn’t get updated when the code got updated. I apologize for the confusion that caused.

The previous version of the code in question is:

// Create a dummy root component we can attach things to.
RootComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("RootComponent"));
// Create a camera and a visible object
UCameraComponent* OurCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("OurCamera"));
OurVisibleComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("OurVisibleComponent"));
// Attach our camera and visible object to our root component. Offset and rotate the camera.
OurCamera->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(-250.0f, 0.0f, 250.0f));
OurCamera->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(-45.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));