Sorry about the mix up on the links on the linked page. I have gone in a fixed the links so that they will take send you to the correct page. They will link to the correct page once the next publishing is complete.
BlueprintReadWrite annotated methods must be public in Intro to C++ Programming in UE4
Engine Version: 4.10.2
Description: Unclear or incorrect information when declaring methods annotated with BlueprintReadWrite
Details: It’s not clear that these methods should be declared public from the documentation :
I get this error when I compiled them the way it is shown in the doc:
C:/Users/tyoun/OneDrive/Documents/Unreal Projects/SandBox/Source/SandBox/MyActor.h(13) :
rror : Failed to generate code for SandBoxEditor - error code: OtherCompilationError (5) BlueprintReadWrite should not be used on private members*
Declaring them private works but it’s not clear from the docs that this should be done.
Good to point that out about things following the generated body. FYI, from looking into it I found that the former term used “GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY” does include a “public” declaration so things following it are public. But “GENERATED_BODY” does not have that so things after it are the usual default of private, which is probably better as it looks odd to have things be public when they are not (visibly) marked as such.
Strange, I didn’t have to add SetMobility() to the code and it worked for me. The constructor of USceneComponent has “Mobility = EComponentMobility::Movable;” as its first line.
Issue: ConstructorHelpers::CreateComponent simply does not exist. As per my VS 2015 error msg:
error C2039: ‘CreateComponent’: is not a member of ‘ConstructorHelpers’
As far as I can tell from this is REALLY old yet the page is listed as updated to 4.9.
This page is clearly out of date and not for 4.9. Sorry about that. We will be updating this page to make sure it is actually useful. In the meantime, I will adjust the version number appropriately.
I was recently looking into how I could cut down on some of my BSP stairs until i get some actual models done, and wasn’t sure how to properly use the Geometry Editing Mode and using its Brush Clipping mode - so I went on a documentation hunt.
Following the link, I end up in Level Editor Modes which only has this brief info in the table:
Those two are sending users in a loop and never actually tell anything about the details of Geometry Editing mode.
Either the Link for details on the Geometry Editing Mode is wrong, or the Editor Modes page lost some of its content somewhere along the way.
**Engine Version: ** 4.10.4 Issue: Out of date information Documentation Link:Slate Details Panel Customization Detailed description of the issue I am looking at implementing Detail Panel customizations. Having looked at how the Landscape Editor module does this, compared to the documentation it seems the documentation is out of date due to interface changes.
The *ILayoutDetails *interface seems to be superseded by IDetailCustomization.
The function to implement is void CustomizeDetails(IDetailLayoutBuilder& DetailBuilder)
Thank you for pointing out the errors on this Doc Page. I have go into this page and cleaned up the errors that were showing. These fixes will show live after the next publishing, which should be later this week.
Detailed description of the issue: There is a limit on the number of APEX chunks enforced by UE4, but there is no documentation of this fact, nor how to change it. Nor is there any warning when the limit is reached, so it manifests as a bug. This is controlled by the settings p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynamicChunkIslandCount and p.APEXMaxDestructibleDynamicChunkCount. Furthermore, it’s unclear exactly which of these two settings are doing what. There is also no documentation regarding the reasoning behind having this limit, which is not enforced by default by the PhysX/APEX SDKs, but rather by UE4 itself.
It gets stuck loading from the Unreal Engine 4 landing page. I had a few of our folks try as well… from different locations and they couldn’t either. I didnt find any announcements about it being down, any ideas?