I am currently in the design phase of my project, so I’m doing a lot of theoretical code on paper (so to speak) at the moment. I have spent a great deal of time dabbling with replication and trying to wrap my brain around it, I’ve got some working code and basic ideas but a lot of it is still magic to me.
One thing I love about structs is their respectability. However this does pose a question… if I have a Struct that is used to replicate information to the clients from the server and I have a UPROPERTY pointer to another AActor on the server, When replicated to the client will the client resolve the reference to the pointed to Actor? For instance suppose I know the actor is replicated on the client, and the server sends information that they where damaged by this actor, will the replicated pointer correctly “point” to the client reference? What would happen if the actor is not replicated or should the server have made them “relevant” to the client if they are capable of doing damage to them?