Replication and low budget PC

While testing my game, I noticed that a variable (ECombatState) was not being replicated back to the state I programmed. All configuration parts (ComponentReplication, GetLifetimeReplicatedProps, etc.) are working correctly.

The behavior is simple, I press a button to change weapons, perform the swap and change my character’s state to ECS_SwappingWeapons (on the server). At the end of Swap animation an AnimNotify is called, changing back to ECS_Unoccupied.

It works correctly when my main computer is the HOST and I’m testing it on my notebook as a CLIENT, but in the opposite situation it doesn’t work, the SwapFinished function isn’t even called (this function is called through an AnimNotify) at the end of the swap animation.

Could this be an Anim Notify problem, or a replication problem? and if it is replication, would it have to do with the fact that the HOST is a weak computer and is not capable of replicating the variable back?

Unlike on clients, Servers load the entire game world in to memory. The computer that is hosting needs to have a lot of memory.