Replicated variable in C++ doesnt work


I am trying to replicate bool variable and I get strange behaviour. When changing on server value changes on client but is incorrect (when true on server it’s false on client) but when I cange it on client the server doesn’t see that change.

In .h file I declare

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Transient, Replicated)
bool bIsBlocking = false;

And In constructor I call


Then I also set

void ATopDownARPGCharacter::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const

	// Replicate to every client, no special condition required
	DOREPLIFETIME(ATopDownARPGCharacter, bIsBlocking);

How It’s supposed to be set up to work?

Replicated variable wasn’t set on server … that makes quite a lot of sense now to me.

How did you find out it wasn’t?

Had this issue on a custom C++ UActorComponent, had to set

SetIsReplicatedByDefault( true );

in the component constructor as well as


in the owning actor constructor. Then set blueprints to match this default on editor.