Replicated component properties do not support COND_Custom

I want to use DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE and COND_Custom on a replicated component property.

I’m hoping if I make a version of PreReplication(IRepChangedPropertyTracker & ChangedPropertyTracker) on actor component and call it from components actor it will work, but was wondering why this doesnt exist in first place.

DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE macro seems to lookup correct replicated property by class type so it seems like it should work.

edit: I’ve verified you need a custom or extended IRepChangedPropertyTracker for each component that needs conditional replicated variables. This is a huge lack of a feature for networked components.

This is really needed if components are to replicate their state using rep notifies.

Hi dzeligman,

Yes, this is something we have slated to fix for 4.8. In mean time, what you are doing should work, you’ll just need to make sure you cal calling FindOrCreateRepChangedPropertyTracker for each component:

Component->PreReplication( *GetDriver()->FindOrCreateRepChangedPropertyTracker( Component ).Get() );

Alright thanks for update. I’ll try out per component tracker.


was PreReplication on components properly added to 4.8? I can’t seem to find it :frowning:

Hi Chosker,

PreReplication was implemented in 4.8. Here’s some documentation on it:

Hope that helps!