I am making a large level that is segmented into several smaller areas. Each area is like a small arena. Although they take part in the same map, and each segment is easy to walk to (Via a short cave, for example). They are all divided by barriers such as terrain and rock. Which means each area except the one the player is in Can have all of its meshes culled.
So, my question is: How would I achieve that?
To be more specific, I want to have it so that when a player enters a volume, every mesh in the volume would reveal itself, and when a player leaves it, everything inside it is culled.
I understand how to use visibility volumes to cull everything based on distance, but if I can simply add a volume over an entire area, and simply Cull all of it when the player leaves, it would be massively helpful and will be very easy to me to execute.
Any thoughts? Thanks!