Rendering Objects into Exported Heighmaps

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to Unreal 5, so this may be a simple answer. I have a landscape that is populated by large boulders and cliffs etc and wish to export the map as a heighmap. EssentiallyI want to play around with the map in ArcGIS.
When I export the landscape as heightmap, it includes and sculptingI have done, but does not include the static mesh objects, so for example, areas that are rocky with large boulders and cliffs appear smooth. Probably a simple fix but how to I export the heighmap to include these static objects?


Hi, as far as I know there is no direct way to do that. What you could do would be to let the landscape and the static meshes write their height to a runtime virtual texture. Then from the runtime virtual texture there was a way to export its lower mips to a regular texture which you can then export out of engine.

This is the documentation on runtime virtual textures: Runtime Virtual Texturing in Unreal Engine and under ‘Enabling SVT with RVT’ is described how to export the lowest mips to a separate texture, which you can then export out of engine.

Ok thanks, I’ll give that a try :slight_smile: