I have made a procedural terrain generation system consisting of blocks for a project i have been working on. It is in the first person template and on game start it generates around 53 thousand actors within a space i am able to define. The game appears to work well within a space of 10x10 or less (the height is about 70 blocks, 100units large each). I thought that that might of been the issue so i tried to apply a culling system where if the player was more than 200units away from the actor then the actor’s(block) visibility would turn off. However i still get 3fps and i know that the visibility system works. I am highly certain that the problem lies within the actor count, but i am unsure of where or what to do next.
How are you checking/updating the distance between player and block actors?
Hi, can you show the results of the console commands “stat unit”, “stat game”, and “stat gpu”? Those commands show you how much time your gpu/game logic takes up per frame, that would help pinning the problem down.