Rendering 2D texture stereoscopic in VR mode

So I have a 2D Texture that rotates to the VR Pawns location and is giving an 3D impression like that. The rotation data is send to a server that uses VTK for the rendering and is giving back the texture to the client and we get an updated texture. My problem now is that I want to get a real stereoscopic view of that texture, so each eye gets its own rendered texture from the server.
My first idea was to use the technique described here: How to add a stereoscopic view in your game which seems to be very inefficient. Is it possible to get something usefull from the VR mode implemented in UE? Or any other ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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If you already have something set up for getting the textures into UE4, you could set up a material to render to the screen UVs, and switch between the textures per eye using a custom node with the code return ResolvedView.StereoPassIndex; to get the current one.

I’m not sure what the most efficient way to render the material is, but you could attach it to a plane in front of the camera, or render it as post process effect.

First thanks a lot for your answer. What I have set up is one camera right now and this one camera gets to see the material rendered for its world position. To make it stereoscopic i would need to add one more camera and then get two rendered textures. Maybe that is just too much for me to do tbh. In the following screenshots you see the setup with the player camera and the actor.
And then the BP for creating the dynamic texture:Material1

Hello, thanks for sharing my link heh

Yes indeed my method seems a bit complex, would be better to make a plugin out of this or make it easier.

What is funny is I am writing a 3D engine from the ground and it’s a lot easier, few lines of codes to have this stereo view working.

If only current VR industries treat VR screen as a simple HDMI screen and not a special screen with special VID/PID and with special protocol.