March 15, 2024, 8:35pm
Hi, my render out of Unreal is too fast. In Maya, the scene is 25 seconds and when rendered from Unreal, it’s 19. Both are rendering at 24 frames per second.
Hey @uzukuro21 !
I found another thread where someone was having this issue, and they found a solution!
I’m trying to render a very simple shot with Movie Render Queue and Level Sequence.
I’ve animated a slow camera to sweep over a scene with several npcs doing animations.
In the exported video, all the animations are going in rapid fast-forward.
I can’t find anything in the UE4 guide or on this forum. Does anybody know what’s up?
The sequence is set for 60fps, and the scene is capped at 60fps. The problem happens at all resolutions, and if exporting as video or image sequence.
March 15, 2024, 9:16pm
I did find out what was wrong with mine. I had the framerate in premiere set wrong.
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April 14, 2024, 9:16pm
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