I’m trying to use the Custom Depth layer to apply an object selection outline. It works fine for static meshes, which have a diffuse material. However it doesn’t work for procedural mesh components. I added code inside the C++ constructor itself to set the bRenderCustomDepth to true, also tried the ProceduralLatheActor from the procedural examples, still no dice.
I have been testing this with our internal Procedural Mesh Generation Code which is currently available for 4.8 Preview 1 and have been able to set up a Post Process Outline via Custom Depth. I would test the issue in 4.8 with out integrated Procedural Mesh Plug-In.
I tried enabling custom depth on a simple procedurally generated box mesh, it didn’t work
The same for CustomMesh.
Is CustomMesh and ProceduralMesh the same thing ?
I have done some further testing and can confirm that we are not getting those meshes rendering in Custom Depth either. I have entered a bug report, for reference UE-18059. I will keep you informed here as we investigate this issue further.