Remove the black background got from scene capture 2D camera with final color


I am trying to make a widget that shows the object in the level so that player can drag and rotate it. Right now, I use the scene capture 2d camera to capture the object and set it to only show this actor. With the default “capture source: SceneColor (HDR) in RGB, Inv Opacity in A”, it is easy to make the background transparent with “one minus” but this will lose the level effects like the reflection, light, or the halo when the brightness rises up.

With default “capture source: SceneColor (HDR) in RGB, Inv Opacity in A”

With Final Color:

So I change this to the “Final Color (LDR) in RGB”. In this way, I can get the effects, but I don’t know how to remove the background. When I try to uncheck the Atmosphere, it will give a black background, but “one minus” will remove all the stuff in the scene.

Here is the material I did right now.

Any ideas on how can I remove the background that I got from the final color? If this is really hard to achieve, is there any other way to show the object on the screen with all the effects?


Hey @patrickzw!

What are you using to grab your image? A camera or a render target?

In the meantime, check out this non-Epic affiliated video that may provide useful insight to your situation:

Any additional specifics or information you can provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

Hi @Quetzalcodename, thanks for your reply.

I did it with the scene capture component 2d and a render target. Actually, I kind learn from this video. I just tried it again, instead of dragging that out of the world, I create the actor while running the game out of the world. It gives all blue color. Guess that is something about 5.1?

If I change scene capture component 2d to this setting (Final color and uncheck Atmosphere) and spawn it in the world, it will give all black without Alpha channel.

I ran into it also,How to Solve it?

May I solve it,Find Entry Called "General Show Flags ",Cancel Check the entry called “Translucent”.

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