So im not sure if i am going about this the correct way but for this Diner scene i have a large rect light that is casting down onto the tables to simulate light comming in from the window. The issue i am having is that the Rect Light is casting its shadows from a single point and not having the shadows cast from the entire length of the Rect Light.
Is there a way to have rect lights cast shadows from the entire length of the box?
So in this screen shot you can see the rect light is the blue box and im highlighting the shadows with red. I dont want them casting diagonally like that.
I would want the shadows to cast this way, Paralllel to each other as if it was a directional light.
The only thing is this is a night time scene and there is an out door portion so i would want to steer away from having to use a directional light. If that is the only way i could maybe have the directional light only affect the booths and floor in the diner through lighting channels?