Realtime import/export Questions and Support

I tried it with the demo project. Nothing crashed and it looks normal. Can you describe in more detail what is wrong?

Does it work the same way in the shipping build?

I donā€™t have anything else besides this (

Yes, the logs are missing in a shipping build. There is a build of the demo that you can test. It is a developer or debug build. There should be logs there. But it doesnā€™t crash on my system either.

Import obj file - Materials and textures did not load. The texture coordinates on the screenshot are incorrect.

FBX - load ok.

So everything okay with fbx? Then please upload the obj file so that I can take a look at it. Remember that next to the obj there must be a mtl and the pictures.

But in my project when importing sponza.fbx - fatal error (

Try a debug build. I need at least the error. It is best if I can reproduce the error on my system.

I had a quick look at the obj file and Blender canā€™t handle the file either. Iā€™ll have a closer look tomorrow.


Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x000000dfb67afa40

UnrealEditor_RealTimeImport!UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefCaller<URealTimeImportImage::createTexture2D'::37ā€™::<lambda_1>,void __cdecl(void)>::Call() [D:\RocketSync\5.3.0-27405482+++UE5+Release-5.3\Working\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\Function.h:479]

The current plugin version is 3.55. Are you using it? You can see it in the plugin menu.

Yes, the latest version from the marketplace

To the error. Unfortunately there is too little in the logs. Normally the line number is there. Would it be time-consuming to copy the code causing the crash into the demo project and thus trigger the crash in the demo project? So that I can trigger the crash on my system.

Letā€™s move on to the obj file. The UVs are normally a value between 0 and 1, but your obj file also contains values below 0 and above 1. According to the internet, this means that a texture must be duplicated (and mirrored) at this point. This is something that is difficult to implement with a plugin. I mean, how do you want to duplicate textures in Blueprints using UV values? I think it is more suitable if you write the renderer yourself or maybe with a plugin that completely creates the mesh including textures internally without you having any influence on it. It goes on my todo list. But I wonā€™t prioritize it highly. I donā€™t even know if that would be possible in Unreal in runtime.
In addition, the obj file consists only of displacement and ambient color textures. Ambient Color was not determined in the plugin. I have added that. Displacement is not supported by UE5 according to the internet.

In RealTimeImport_Demo, I just replaced one function, and this causes an error.

Ah, okay. I can reproduce it. I will try to create a patch as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ok, thank you! )

This is just a random model from the internet

think itā€™s unnecessary for now.

It just needs to be set up so that OBJ \ FBX models of any complexity open in any case. Right now, there are issues with this. :frowning:

Can the full path to the texture be added to this function?
For example: E:\Textures\My_texture.png

That sounds strange. Iā€™m not sure what itā€™s supposed to be good for. If you want to create textures from images you can use the ā€œLoad Image Fileā€ functions.

Thanks for the update! Importing the sponza.fbx model with textures is working. :slight_smile:

What about obj, any ideas?

As written above, the obj says that the texture types are displacement and ambient color. You must create a corresponding material. I only created diffuse and normal materials in the demo. However, the UVs remain incorrect at the corners.