Realtime import/export Questions and Support

Since there is no questions category at Fab, I created this thread to replace it. This is exclusively about this plugin: Real Time Import/Export | Fab

hallo socke,

is there a way to trigger something after a mesh has been imported successfully? i want to trigger a screenshot. cant find an event in the demo blueprint (importproceduralmeshctor) or in the level blueprint of the demo scene (levelmesh)


With async nodes, the states are output via the pins. You have 4 of them here. The first two are of interest to you, i.e. “On Success” and “On Fail”. If you insert a print string after “On Success”, this is triggered after the file has been imported. Keep in mind that the creation of the mesh and the textures then runs via Unreal. It will therefore take some time until the mesh is visible. But the plugin has no influence on this.

Take a look at the “WidgetMesh” blueprint from the demo project.


I am curious about your importFBX plugin,
I would love to try it out but want to make sure it works for my needs.

I basically want to incorporate the ability into my existing widget in UE, an option for the user to load their own 3D logo via my own UI.

Then the loaded model (or models) can be part of an existing Blueprint I have set in advance. (so the loaded model will replace some kind of static mesh placeholder)

is that dynamically possible?

Yes, that should work. Have you already looked at the Windows demo?

I tried the demo but so far actually the mesh did not import correctly:

Is there a way to overcome it?

Moreover I was not sure how grab the mesh into my own Blueprint, or how to incorporate your UI into my own UI.

Can you send me the mesh by pm, email or link it here? I would love to have a look.

I can’t tell you exactly how you can import it into your project as I don’t know your project. In the demo, the mesh import consists of an actor in which the procedural mesh component is created. The file is read out in the UI and the PMC is then fed with this data. You could perhaps migrate the actor into your project and copy paste the rest.

sure what’s your email again?

In theory I would just need to spawn the new actor that your plugin creates, that’s not an issue.
But I’m not sure how to take over from your UI to mine, so all the data is saved in my game too.

Or how to manage multiple actors in multiple slots,
for example if the user is loading
1- logo icon
2- text model


You can use

The demo is also available as an Unreal project. There you can right-click on the “RealtimeImport” directory and then select the migrate function. Then you have everything in your project. Now you have to copy or change the parts you need and customize them.

Can imported sounds be used as a WaveAsset passed to a Metasound Source?

I am not familiar with Meta Sound. My plugin can create a Sound Wave Procedural Object Reference. This is a child of Sound Wave.


I’m having a very specific issue where if I start a number of long asynchronous loading processes using the “Load Mesh File Async” Node the processes will NOT stop even when I close the PIE. This creates an issue where I cannot start another session and load files until the previous asynchronous process completes.

Hm, okay. I hadn’t thought of that. So you need a “cancel” function?

Yes I tried to implement something in your code but admittedly I couldn’t find the best way to cancel the queue manually.

You would have to check a thread-safe bool in several places and then cancel the function if it is true. It’s on my todo list. But it will be something more like “Cancel all Mesh imports” as it is currently not possible to identify individual imports.

Hello, I have two questions )

  1. Is there support for real-time virtual texture imports? If not, could you add it? It’s a very important feature.
  2. Could you add an option to compress imported textures? This is also very important because imported textures take up a lot of video memory.

Thank you in advance! )

I have never dealt with virtual textures. Do these accept Texture2D or material variables? My plugin creates these.

Unfortunately the texture object in unreal only accepts uncompressed data. I can check if it works differently in newer UE versions. The last time I checked it, UE took the pixel format with the height and width of the image and calculated the size from it. If this did not match, the app was closed. And it only matched with uncompressed data.

Cancelling all imports is just fine. Ideally it would be hooked to the PIE on editor close event but that would just be icing on the cake. Thanks for the quick response!

The plugin is designed for imports/exports in builds, not for the editor. You would then have to call the function in the Level Blueprint in the End Play event or similar.

I looked in the code and there is already the function “cancelLoadMeshFile”. Please try it out to see if it meets your requirements.

Which file contains the method? I may need to update as I am not seeing it.