Realtime import/export Questions and Support

Yes, could try to do that. But this is an additional function and I always decide on customer requests for new functions based on the benefits and effort for all customers. And here it seems to be an individual function that nobody else needs. In any case, no one has ever asked for it and the plugin has been around for a few years. I also assume that your request can be solved via Blueprints with Materials or RenderTargets. I understand if you are disappointed but put yourself in my position. You publish your game and a customer wants you to change the game for him. I think you understand what I mean.

Ok, thanks for your help! )

The latest build breaks non-Windows platform builds:

.\Source\RealTimeImport\Private\RealTimeImportAsyncNodes.cpp line 435:

void URTIFileDialogAsyncEvent::Activate() {

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT(“RealtimeImport Plugin: The file dialog is only available on Windows.”));


Should be:
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT(“RealtimeImport Plugin: The file dialog is only available on Windows.”));

Otherwise the code after the original #endif is flagged as unreachable, which UE treats as an error.

Oh, thank you. Makes sense. Actually, Epic shouldn’t release the plugin if it doesn’t compile. Strange.

I’m sure they - like all of us - don’t have the bandwidth to test every single possible combination of installed vs. source engines across all platforms and targets. This was on UE 5.5.2 source code build of the engine targeting Xbox Series X|S with Microsoft’s GDK extensions installed.

Oh, okay. But that’s a platform that my plugin doesn’t support. That’s why Epic didn’t compile it for that platform. I have adapted the code and am about to upload an update that also contains other improvements. But I can’t say how it will behave on a non-supported platform.

After updating the plugin, imported textures are not displayed correctly
Test engine 5.3.2 \ 5.5.3

Before the latest update

After the update

I have replaced my own image decompression with that of Unreal 5. Seemed to be better in my tests. Is it possible that it is only due to SRGB? Please deactivate the checkbox and test again. Could you send me a mesh to test via email?

Oh, I just saw in the code that SRGB is now determined automatically. But a test mesh would still be good.

The SRGB flag has been enabled. Disabling SRGB flag doesn’t help

Yes, see what I wrote under edit. I just saw in the code that this setting no longer has any effect in the latest version because it is automatically determined by Unreal. I need something to test as my test meshes all look ok.

I’m using a procedural mesh in realtime

Yes, I know. By “mesh” I meant the fbx, obj file so I can see what the problem is.

I have a ready-made program and everything in it is in real time, import textures, create materials, meshes. It will be easier if you send me the plugin, and I will test it

Yes, makes more sense. You still have to send me an e-mail.

When importing an OBJ model, there is a distortion of the texture coordinates, but if you open the same model in 3ds Max, everything looks fine.
jimmiebergmann/Sponza: Sponza OBJ Model

Can you try Blender or the FBX format? Error messages in the output log window?

I don’t have Blender. Texture coordinates look great when importing fbx, but if it has materials, for example the corona renderer, it crashes with an error - Fatal error

Please send me the logs after the crash. You can find them in saved/logs. If legally possible also the mesh. (download link)

When importing an FBX model, what materials from 3D Max does the plugin support? Standard, physical?

FBX file, which crashes with an error when importing - Fatal error.

The plugin reads the type. You must create the corresponding material yourself.

Your link is a delete link.