RealityCapture 1.4.1 does not start

I installed Reality Capture 1.4.1 in the Epic games launcher. After clicking to start, the button displayed busy and running, but it immediately crashed and no software interface appeared. I would like to know how to solve this problem, thank you!
My Windows 10 account name is in English.

Hi @wowerleo,
are you able to run other applications from Epic Games Launcher?
Have you checked also these solutions: Reality Capture tab not working on Epic Games Lancher - #2 by OndrejTrhan?


Are you able to run other applications from Epic Games Launcher (Unreal Engine or Twinmotion)?
Which of the mentioned solutions have you tried?


Do you see the RealityCapture icon after the installation? If so, did it work?
You can try also this:
Uninstall Epic Games Launcher as it is and made sure there were nothing “Epic” related installed on the PC. Go to %localappdata% (Win+R) and remove all content concerning Epic Games Launcher. Then reboot the PC, and go to RealityCaptures web page and from the download section and the latest Epic Games Launcher.

I’m ready to give up. I reinstalled my computer system and reinstalled realitycapture 1.4.1 and it still doesn’t work. I lost a lot of valuable files during the process of reinstalling my computer system, I was very sad and RealityCapture made me angry!

I am sorry for this.
After RealityCapture installation, can you check if:

  1. Is RealityCapture installer downloaded by EGL?
  • here: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\RealityCapture
  1. Is RealityCapture actually installed?
  • here: C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture

And to try running the RealityCapture.exe or the installer directly.


Have you tried to install it directly and not using Epic Games Launcher?



Do you mean Epic Games Launcher or direct RealityCapture’s installation?

卸载了Epic Games后,只安装RealityCapture1.4,是默认安装位置。点击软件仍然是软件崩溃。

This is really strange for direct installation.
Is there some error when you are trying to open the application or will it be opened for a moment?
For that direct installation of RealityCapture, can you try to use this workflow: Reset RealityCapture?

I’ve tried known ways to handle issues in the forums, but none of them have worked for me. I will continue to follow the forum information and hope to solve the problem one day.