RC - Failed to initialize CUDA device(s)

I’m working on a project with RC installed on a VM with the below GPU specs. When creating a High-Detail mesh, I get a “Failed to initialize CUDA device(s)” error. This typically happens near the end of the model creation stage. This error does happen when reducing the reconstruction box to a limited region of the point cloud and performing Normal Detail, Unwrap, and Texturing. What can I do to fix this issue and use High Detail?

Hi @Chasedavid44
I am sorry for this.

Which version of RealityCapture are you using? If one since 1.4 version, are you running it through Epic Games Launcher? Is normal detail model finished? After this error do you have the options to resume model calculation? Is this happening for all your projects of just for some?

You can check also these posts with similar issues and some proposed solutions:

There are some general fixing methods which can help with this: restart, clear cache, reinstall drivers, clean install, different reconstruction settings