Failed to initialize CUDA device(s)


Many months ago I successfully used Capturing Reality to create 3D models from images and today purchased a 90 day license.  Now, when I attempt to create a 3D reconstruction using images, I get the message “Failed to inialize CUDA device(s)”.

I understand that CUDA 2.1 is required, but I am using a GeForce GT 705, which I understood should support this version of CUDA. 

Is there any way to diagnose the root cause of this problem?

Best Regards,


hi, is it an OEM product, do you have the latest drivers installed, and what version of RealityCapture are you using?

Hello Lucia,

Thank you for getting back to me.  Yes, it is an OEM product and I am using BETA 1.0 of the RealityCapture application.

I just saw that a new driver was released in early 2018 for my GPU and I just installed it.  Unfortunately, there is no easy way to test whether or not the driver is the root cause, as I need to move the license back to my original computer and try to do some work.  CapturingReality is very restrictive in their official rules of license transfer.

Are you aware of any other means to test compatibility? It would be very helpful if CapturingReality had a small compatibility testing app…

Best Regards,


you can send a request to release the license activation here when you are experiencing some urgent PC issues:

include your e-mail the license is assigned to and the license name



for others following this thread: update of GPU drivers has resolved the issue

Hello Lucia

I am sorry to say that I celebrated the fix too soon.  Although the processing got much further along than before, I eventually received Timeout error messages and the familiar “Failed to initialize CUDA device(s)” message.

I retried numerous times, rebooting the system a few times just to be sure there wasn’t anything “residual” and waiting 15 minutes after the reboot to ensure that the CPU wasn’t being throttled by startup processes.

I fear that my system simply doesn’t have the requisite horsepower.

Thank you very much for your help and if you have any ideas on how to throttle back the timers I would be more than happy to experiment.

Best Regards,


this is an issue of your graphics card, had you managed to do the reconstructions with it in the past?

this error indicates that all CUDA devices are currently fully busy and unavailable

Hello Lucia,

Thanks for the follow up.  It was so long ago that I worked with this that I cannot say with 100% confidence that the reconstruction actually worked when I was running on a demonstration license of the software. 

I don’t recall getting the error messages when I used the software in the past, but my memory is anything but perfect.

If it is not possible to back off the timers, then I suspect I simply won’t be able to run on this system.

Best Regards,


well, do you at least have another computer that you can use the license with?

The computer I had borrowed last week is available for a little while longer, but if I cannot get the software to run reliably on my original system, I will need to buy a new one.  Thus, it would be great if we could back the timers off a bit to see if that alleviates the issue.  Will save me CHF 1.000 in the short term.

Crazy… Suddenly, today it worked completely.  The only difference is that I stepped through the process manually instead of pressing the “Start” button.  Will try again to see if the results are consistent.

Wow thanks for this great thread, I was wondering the same. So we just need to updated the software?

I had to update the driver software and step through the model creation process manually.  I am also not able to create models in high quality, as this *always* throws GPU / CUDA errors.

Hi, I got this error when I was trying to play a video in VLC while reconstructing the high detail model. I closed and restarted RealityCapture and it worked fine the second time.