Raytracing was merged into Dev-Rendering!

Is the denoiser not operating on RTGI? That looks worse than it did two weeks ago (but at the same time better! yay!)

Wow finally some fully real time GI! Great news. Do we need a rtx card if we only want to use RTGI? And is Windows 10 mandatory? I really don’t want revert back to it, gave me way too much trouble with updates

If UE4RT remains DXR, it’ll definitely require Windows 10, blame Microsoft.

The RTX requirements could change, DXR technically supports most DX12 capable GPUs.

Going off Windows for RTX seems like a lot of pointless work. You’d have to be nuts to be pre-10 and running an RTX card for gaming.

I’m getting a long list of failures when I try to build ever since the other week. Anyone know what the log.txt thing is about? It’s not permissions or dropbox, I think the UE build tool is blocking itself:

Also annoying, I definitely have .NET 4.6.2 installed:

1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1179,5): error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2" were not found.

This is single bounce ?? Please try multi bounce

How’s RTGI’s performance compared to VXGI’s on similar hardware? VXGI was really hungry but kinda usable for small scale games.

What worries me about RTGI is that next gen consoles might not be powerful enough to support DXR features, considering that the rtx gpu which is expensive as hell can struggle running the features. And how long until most PC gamers (not only the ones with super high end computers) can run it? Doesn’t seem like a safe bet for a game to rely on RTGI just yet but I might be wrong.

Testing this very early integration of RTGI with different number of bounces with this simple scene (0, 1, 5 and 10). While more bounces, less fps, of course! (I’m happy with 1 bounce for now, GI from skylight will do the job).

Fps 1-5-10 bounce ? And your card ? Amazing thanks.

It would be helpful for those posting pictures to also post their specs and fps in the scenes.

why the noise is higher than vray interactive viewport or other render engines ?

Less samples. May need to enable denoise for RTGI. This is exactly how shadows looked before denoising was added.

For where it’s at it looks superb.

If you set your max ray length or really reduce your skybox size, can you do HDR lighting via GI? And try some translucency!

seems got problem roughness materials and translucent materials. i just test GI with subsurface but got archifact there. waiting new commit lol.

Looks great. Has HISM instance grid objects, or vegetation systems, been supported in the latest version of the branch? Mask and translucent material? And the geomorphological system?

yes, what’s with foliage? and landscapes

RTGI??? Man, this is awesome!

Is it all realtime (i can move the light and it bounces around)?
Finally no lightmaps needed?

I finally have the project loading again. I’ll try to test some of the above this morning then the rest later today.

I’m interested as to whether emissive surfaces act like light sources.

Not yet. Only when using full path-tracing mode.

Translucency has not been touched at all, looks pretty bad still. Proper translucency is something I’m REALLY looking forward to. Refraction is still screen-space. Emissive surfaces do not act like lights. The GI denoiser is in there but perhaps it hasn’t been trained yet.

The number of bounces makes almost zero difference, so you’re good with one. The number of samples per pixel needs to be set to about 50 to overcome the noise, but that runs at less than 1fps. Even two SPP cuts the framerate in half.