Raytracing was merged into Dev-Rendering!

So ray tracing AO is not yet available?
I generally judge whether an image is rendered offline or not by AO.
The pictures you guys shared seem to be very “real time”, so I think AO is still not working.

AO has been used in most light sources, but the AO noise reducer is not ready. Now using AO can only force the number of light to increase, which will cause a great decline in performance. After a lot of tests, AO is not a big problem, and the quality of traditional offline rendering AO is not much different, the difference may only be slight difference caused by the number of rebounds and other factors, need to wait until the AO denoiser is ready to see the full real-time AO effect.

Good morning everyone,

This is my first post here.
I am testing and having a lot of fun with this early 4.22 build. But I’ve noticed exactly the same alert on compiling (Assertion failed/ TotalbytesRequested), did you solve it somehow?
The editor runs smoothly but a lot of noise in shadows and reflection, path tracing works but it stops after a few seconds of progressive rendering. Can I change these behaviors?
Thanks in advance and have a good day! :slight_smile:


  • DXR is in DX12 and only works when a card supports ray-tracing. Unless a GPU vendor specifically enables that capability at the HW/Driver Level, you will not be able to use DXR
  • UE4 does not use RTX directly. It uses DXR via DX12 (which talks to RTX). People are using the two together because NVidia is the first with their tech supporting DXR.

So to sum up:

  • Legacy GPUs currently DO NOT support DXR. It is up to those manufacturers to enable some form of emulation or release hardware.
  • UE4 uses DXR not RTX. RTX is Nvidia’s tech which DXR is driving under the hood

I’m… stunned. Really wasn’t expecting that many DXR related feature for 4.22, it’s trully amazing.

I assumed we’ll just get the reflections… but there’s reflection, AO, beautiful shadows, and a path-tracing viewmode ?!
Performance are also way better than i anticipated. :cool:

If we can do some pre-render//Adaptative real-time in unreal engine using path tracing, unreal engine with completely disrupt the entertainment industry.


guys what are the difference between VXGI and DXR? (off reflections)

VXGI voxelizes the environment for Dynamic GI. The environment is still rendered the usual way.
DXR (DirectX Raytracing) and RTX (Nvidia Raytracing) both use Raytracing to create an image.
Raytracing is used in offline rendering (CGI movies for example) to produce images

Uh… guess it is time to get one of those new RTX cards asap! :eek::cool:

DXR is a component of DirectX12, aka “DirectX Raytracing”, it uses acceleration structures and bounding box approximations to trace rays in your scene.

VXGI is an Nvidia technology which will as well try to solve light transport accross a network of large boxes but at a much larger scale using voxels, runs supposedly on any Directx11 card, but latest iteration VXGI 2.0 will require at least a gtx-900 serie card.

thanks all for the reply.

i use VXGI 2.0 and (off reflections) they don’t looks so bad compared to DXR so i would like to compare some levels

I’ve been using VXGI + HBAO before, and DXR is much better than VXGI only in terms of effect; it’s not only the advantage of reflection and shadow, but also the advantage of DXR in AO and GI calculation, and the performance consumption gap is not big; at least when I use VXGI, I can easily see many light and shadow errors, but DXR can bring us very close to offline. Rendering quality GI, AO, reflection and shadow;

I may be on a newer build, but I’m not seeing nearly as bad noise as you guys are getting in your videos.

Do we have a list of console commands to tweak the raytracer with yet?

Edit: r.raytracing in the console brings up a buttload. Looks like everything is on by default.

Denoising for several rt features was just added earlier today

It’s doing a very good job in that case! I still see noise in some less lit areas when the camera is moving, but it looks good otherwise.

Is some kind of reprojection on the cards, vive-style motion smoothing?

I tried doing a packaged build and unfortunately that just crashes very quickly and looks bad until it does.

ok thanks. it’s time for RTX :slight_smile:

What we still lack in real-time is the GI effect of DXR and its denoiser, and I find that it seems that there is no AI denoiser using NVIDIA in DXR? Or just changing the name?

At present, shadows, reflections, and AO combined with reflection effect are very good, especially AO and shadows. To some extent, they can even replace CSM shadows and SSAO perfectly when running in RTX graphics cards, and the effect is far better than CSM shadows and SSAO, and the performance is almost the same. This is a cross-era technology!! It can be predicted that many games can be greatly improved by using AO and shadow.

As for reflection, the current DXR reflection + noise reduction can achieve very good reflection in smooth objects, but there are still some problems in the reflection of rough objects, and the performance consumption of reflection seems to be several times larger than AO and CSM, but I believe there is a lot of room for optimization. Look at the DXR reflection of battlefield 5, after one-time optimization, it only consumes a small amount. Part of the performance;

Also, it seems that translucent materials and HISM are still not effectively supported? Will it be supported later?

Finally, we don’t seem to have seen real-time GI effect, although there is complete ray tracing effect in the path tracing mode, but real-time GI does not appear; the game that can find real-time GI application seems to be the subway series, I don’t know what the problem that GI still does not appear, perhaps because the performance consumption of GI is even more terrible than reflection?GI seems to be just the transmission of color information. Should it consume less than reflection?

Anyway, it’s really an exciting cross-era technology, looking forward to a complete DXR that can bring earth-shaking changes to real-time graphics! !!

Made a video while playing with some of the raytracing options:


i saw also the live video

amazing man and thanks for your contribute

can you please upload an interior/exterior archviz video? it would be really nice

many thanks

Im very ignorant with ue4. Ive downloaded the dev render n compiled it…then turned on skin cache and raytacing in project render settings.

But I dont know how/what to do with the following explanation: “create a shortcut for the built engine body and add - d3d12 to the target bar of the shortcut.”

can someone explain what I have to do to enable the softshadow n raytraced AO n reflection in this build please? Please explain as if talking to a baby… Im dying to try this on my new two 2080tis founders.

thanks a billion…

Once you have your local copy compiled, locate the UE4Editor.exe at windows explorer (usually inside …\Engine\Binaries\Win64) right-click on it and choose “Create Shortcut”. Now right-click at the shortcut created and choose Properties. Once you have the properties windows opened and inside the field Target add to the text “-dx12 -raytracing” so in the end it will be like: “…\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe” -dx12 -raytracing" being the “…” the place your original UE4Editor is located. Make sure to have a space before each “-”

Hope it helps.