Raytracing was merged into Dev-Rendering!

Won’t happen since DXR is Microsoft’s tech and specification, not Epic’s. Also it is necessary that graphics card gives support for emulation of those features with compute shaders (AMD is doing with similar DSLL tech, so makes possible non-RTX cards to have it) included at driver level.

It is a race and I will be happy enough to see this supported on the engine, even if requires me to purchase a new graphics card to enjoy this.

I’m all for productive criticism of EPIC but I would be even more excited to see what people are actually doing with this developer release. Anybody have any updates on their explorations? Love to see any stills or videos exploring the shadows, reflections, etc.

Would love to just see complex objects casting shadows in a brutalist compound or water ripples with physically accurate dynamic reflections. Really anything that shows how much of an advancement DXR is. It seems like the few existing demos are overloaded visually and it’s hard to really see the amazing impact this tech will have.

Also, I would love to join in but I will need to overhaul my system. I was able to run the Microsoft DXR demos using my GTX 970, are the features in this developer release confirmed RTX-only at this point? Would be happy even with a 1fps emulation mode.

Is anyone able to actually preview and play a level with these features enabled?

This post has a video link: https://forums.unrealengine.com/deve…92#post1568192

@thejturner I got my 2080ti earlier this week and tried the latest dev-rendering build. The implementation is super early but there are tons of commits each day and I’m sure it’ll be pushed a lot in the next couple of weeks to be in a good place for GDC in mid March. I mean the speed of light demo was created 6 months ago. I therefore hope we get a feature set on par with what was shown back then.

Im stoked for 4.22! I got the unreal engine cloned on my github, and I found the dev-rendering branch, how do I commit that stuff on github?

Hi Guys, I’m having fun with this very early integration of DXR, sharing screenshots with you.

r.Shadow.Denoiser is working perfectly, and infinite mirrors are working with Path Tracing. I could start building scenes with the early builds but I’ll wait for more features.
The shadows and reflections are amazing!

I’m using a RTX 2080.
No extra post process settings (Point lights to help with lighting), just raytracing.
Shortcut as “…Win64\UE4Editor.exe -dx12 -raytracing” to enable
Build from 3 days ago (dev-rendering).

How is the FPS ?

With this small scene and no extra lines of code:

50 ~ 55 With the high poly vehicle, close view to details.
60 ~ 65 FPS with low poly vehicles
80 ~ 85 fps looking the scene through a mirror
90 fps looking to the sky and buildings
80 ~ 85 from the air (with high poly vehicle)
85 ~ 90 fps from the air with low poly vehicles

FPS depends of the complexity, size and how well is optimized of the scene, so it can be different depending of your needs.

sounds very interesting, jezz now i need a RTX card… F… :mad::cool:

wow FPS better than I expected.

compiling devrendering branch now. :smiley:

Thank you Jhosep_Chevarria! Exactly the kind of info I’m looking for. Also pleasantly surprised by the frame rates on the regular 2080.

Looking forward to finding out more about the path tracer too. How long did it take to resolve at that quality level in your screenshots?

guys :smiley:
something gorgeous coming!

(i got some problems on compiling and i can make the infinity mirror any console command?)

everytime open the engine this error shows

Whats your GPU ?

So anything very reflective is pure black in all reflections, including all glass and all metals?

That stands out quite a bit so what’s going to be the workaround for that, I wonder?

rtx 2080 ti

some setting about 20 fps. Raytracing cinematic render hard RTX card. I think supersampling cant use. What you think ?

nope i just increase the screenpercentage to 200 and tweak shadow samples to higher value. i think thats normal i push the limits a bit.

push limit more and try screen percentage 300 1080p video record is possible ? but complex scene , not only single car , maybe indoor house

yes but u know this is not the final release i hope better performance with features. i will try with comlex scene but this release really unstable.(even this scene) i cant any change for materials (with textures) immediately crash all the time. maybe compile problems reason of this. i dont know …

especially when increasing the sample value of the area lights seems to be approximate results like gpu lightmass. the other thing I wonder about is multi bounce. if I remember correctly The number of bounce in presentation was 1.

i thing really usefull for animations. we will see real-time performance when it comes to full release. we’ll wait and see

Cant understand some things. 2 say people.

–DXR is in Dx12 every gpu work.
– ue4 rtx only work rtx cards.
if dxr is microsoft tech work every gpu, maybe 1 fps but must work every gpu.
Best way is try on my pc. I download this branch but Visual Studio is something errors. Cant build branch.