Raytraced Shadow appears differently than other method at usual scale .


Object are at the correct scale imported from fbx , and project is correctly setup for Hardware RT . However , Raytraced shadows appears differently than different shadowing method ( shadow inside the eye ) .
If path tracing is the ground truth , RTshadow for object at 1x scale gives a far different result in comparision to the standard virtual shadow map . Just for reference , the raytracing debug preview for [PrimaryRays] do behaves closely to PathTracing at the usual scale . Tried some console command but none of them work .

Only after scalling up the mesh 10x and it finally behaves closely to the other method .

Engine Ver : 5.3 , 5.4
Failed Attemped : creating new lighting , new scene , new project , updating GPU driver
GPU : RTX 4070

setting r.RayTracing.NormalBias = 0.01 (default 0.1) fixes the issues temporary . It seems that RTshadow for polygon that are too close to one another at a certain normal are being clipped . I saw somewhere that setting this too low will break nanite shadow . Hope to see different approach and fixes

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