Raindrop Ripples with UDS

Hello there, I am searching for a way to make rain puddles with UDS (Ultra Dynamic Sky). I already have the weather set up and the level is set up as well. The level is made up of static meshes and there are low poly with mostly flat colors.

I’ve searched a lot in the readme as well as a few tutorials. Unfortunately, none of those seem to work. Most of the tutorials are for landscape materials and megascans. I use none of those. I set up my material as per the readme using the wet weather effects node. It only appears to make the ground reflective. There are no raindrop ripples.

The effect I’m looking for is similar to the one used by SEUS shaders for Minecraft.

Thanks in advance.

I answered this here

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Thanks for the reply. This effect is already present. I want the rippling effect on the static mesh just like in the photo I showed.

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I don’t think this is part of UDS, is it?

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I am still learning UDS, so I don’t exactly know if it is a part of UDS. But do you know any other way using materials and all that kinda stuff to make the ripples?

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I had a quick look at the UDS discord, I think puddles are possible.

If not, no problem, this is a material effect, the ripples are made using normal maps

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Thanks, man. I’ll look into it.

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I did some testing in the UDS Wet_Weather_Effects node and found that changing the height to 0 gave me the effect I wanted without having do really anything.

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