Is there any one else out there have difficulty setting up Ultra Dynamic sky

Hi, although it’s a great little plugin, is anyone else having difficulties setting up…“Wet Weather Effects” and “Dynamic Landscape Weather Effects” in “Ultra Dynamic Sky” there seems to be very few tutorials about this plugin and when I emailed the author of the plugin, although he did reply swiftly with an answer, I’m still having difficulties achieving this. I mostly working with Megascans surfaces and 3D assets. any help with a simple workflow for both these effects, “Wet Weather Effects” and “Dynamic Landscape Weather Effects” would be really helpful and very much appreciated, or if anyone can recommend another weather system plugin they are using, it would be great to here about it. Many Many Thanks

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Did you see the README in the blueprints folder?


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Hi ClockworkOcean, thanks for the reply, yes I have read through the “Readme” in the Blueprints Folder and I have worked my way through Everett Gunther UDS for UE5 tutorial, and it is self explanatory, and going by these tutorials all you have to do is for the “Wet Weather Effects”, connect up the Albedo, Roughness and Normal, Texture Sample Nodes to the “Wet Weather Effects” Node and output the same nodes from the “Wet Weather Effects” Node to the “Material” node and “Bobs your Uncle” you’re done, other than apply the “Apply Dripping Effect” to a “Static Bool”, But going into the Megascans, Static Mesh Material you are greeted with a “MF_ObjAdjustments” Node and a “M_MS_DefaultMaterial” Node and anywhere I place the “Wet Weather Effect” between any of these Nodes and connect up, the Result is “Not Good” No Dripping Effects or Puddles on my Static Mesh, that’s my Problem. Did E-Mail the creator Everett Gunther and he did reply , but really couldn’t work out what he was talking about, possibly in this case, like they say “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”. Thank you very much for the help and information you have already offered.

Just like this ( with the others, of course, but this enough to see it’s working )



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Oh Well, I really didn’t expect that, so a Massive Thank You for helping me out, I really appreciate what you have done in sending over those images of where everything is supposed to be which makes it so easy to understand, the creator of the plugin could learn a bit from this scenario, ie, how to sort out peoples problems in a quick and efficient manner. So once again Thank You very much for taking the time and effort for helping me out. Regards VC.

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You’re welcome :+1:

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Hi, I am having the same issue (or similar). I cannot get puddles on static mesh materials.

This is how it looks so far. I started with Surface_Weather_Effects, then used “Wet-Weather_Effects” without succes.

What am I missing? Seem if I add a height something shows up. But these are not puddles, water is everwhere then. :confused:

Apply some masks? I expected this to work without one as in the landscape materials.

Having the same problem with puddles. Can’t get them working on static meshes.