Quest LUT Fix

Hello everyone,
I had a lot of issues with this, and I don’t understand why this is not something that Meta or Epic Games would fix themselves, but I have a solution for anyone who is running into colors on the headset not matching the android builds:

If you have noticed that the lighting on the Quest builds are extremely bright, it’s because the render settings are for some reason different on the device. If you want to have the same EXACT colors that you have in editor directly in the quest device, I have created a LUT that will match it.

This worked for me and it saved me a ton of headaches when it comes to color correction and polishing. Hopefully this might help some of you guys as well.

This is the LUT file, it will look very bright in editor, but it will be exactly the same in the Android Meta Quest builds.

Hopefully this will help. Best of luck with your awesome VR game!


to make things easier you can simply place this into a node so that it automatically applies if it’s being run on Android (Quest) devices. This avoids headaches of remembering in which scene you activated the settings or not. You could either have a PostProcess actor in each scene and do this, or spawn one (just be cautious about having too many postprocess actors for optimization)