Push Changes is still broken

Every time i push changes i am met with this error or some module error, in any case it is a server error that it cannot connect to, sometimes the push changes work flawlessly but on the other hand this is getting a bit frustrating when these platform cook errors pop up, i tried to do a bug report but the zip file is to large to input into the site but the gist of the redline is: [2023.04.27-15.18.04:918][900]LogValkyrieSummary: Server Summary - Failed to distribute content due to (Failure ErrorCode=ContentBeaconV2.FailedToBuildManifestClient.Host, Failed Building manifest for EConsumerRole::Client with platform: Windows and error: Failure ErrorCode=errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, Message=An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
JOB_ID=7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523)., CookJobId:7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523, Raw=errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, ClientId:75fe41e832254a7ea4d01e1da167ebaf, RequestId:599B54DAFDA746AEB2A71771CA655D66, InnerErrorCode:errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, InnerErrorMessage:An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
JOB_ID=7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523)., CookJobId:7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523, CachedInnerErrorType:EInnerErrorType::CookFailure, Message=Extended error, Raw=ContentBeaconV2.FailedToBuildManifestClient.Host, Failed Building manifest for EConsumerRole::Client with platform: Windows and error: Failure ErrorCode=errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, Message=An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
JOB_ID=7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523)., CookJobId:7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523, Raw=errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, ClientId:75fe41e832254a7ea4d01e1da167ebaf, RequestId:599B54DAFDA746AEB2A71771CA655D66, InnerErrorCode:errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook-failure, InnerErrorMessage:An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
JOB_ID=7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523)., CookJobId:7cc1ec89-51ee-4a47-960b-54f0c7dda523, CachedInnerErrorType:EInnerErrorType::CookFailure)
[2023.04.27-15.18.05:042][904]LogValkyrieSummary: Failed to update content due to error.

I am getting a similar error. Did you find out how to fix it?

Just had this error today actually, but only once. Reat of the time i was fine

I haven’t had this error in a long time, It kinda fixed itself over the past updates

@Grandma_Bertha Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: https://create.fortnite.com/news/using-the-creative-and-uefn-bug-reporting-form